Hey everyone, The site is a fantastic resource for me.
I plan on staying here and posting as much as I can, but for the next few days I will be sorta buisy, but after that I will be a regular forum poster.
Anyways, What I plan on learning is flash websites ect.
I have a Question:
How do I make sites do like the motion where the line draws out the site, or like the layout comes together almost, like its being drawn. Where can i find out info on that?
You use a Shape tween to make the lines draw like that.
Make a very small line enough so you can change it.
Insert a keyframe at frame 12.Then at frame 12 change the line so it is bigger.T
Then at frame 11 go to the propities panel and it will show tween on a list choose Shape then it will show easing move the ease up to 50 or 100 your chice then test the movie.
hmhmhmuhuhhmnm [that was supposed to be a laugh…[size=1](I just hate “LOL”)[/size])
Gadys and Lents:
…an exercise in…
“Stickmen Dismemberment with Unusual Rotation”
by:: Aislin [size=1]theWhatever[/size]
you know, one of us should really write a tutorial on how to do those cool art transitions. I mean, it’s pretty simple, but to a beginner it must suck to figure out how to do it. Plus, I’ve never seen a tutorial on that kind of stuff.