New to!

Hey everyone, The site is a fantastic resource for me.
I plan on staying here and posting as much as I can, but for the next few days I will be sorta buisy, but after that I will be a regular forum poster.

Anyways, What I plan on learning is flash websites ect.

I have a Question:

How do I make sites do like the motion where the line draws out the site, or like the layout comes together almost, like its being drawn. Where can i find out info on that?

Similar to the following :

If you notice, they like come together to form the layout… i cant seem to find any info on that :frowning:

Thanks Guys I appreciate it !

Great site ! :wink:


well, lot’s and LOTS of tweens :beam:

Its sorta simple.

You use a Shape tween to make the lines draw like that.

Make a very small line enough so you can change it.
Insert a keyframe at frame 12.Then at frame 12 change the line so it is bigger.T
Then at frame 11 go to the propities panel and it will show tween on a list choose Shape then it will show easing move the ease up to 50 or 100 your chice then test the movie.

Yah, what they said :wink:

Welcome aboard! Hope to see you around lots :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums!

does anyone know how to make like boxes come down and stuff? LIKE in example 1

fool around with masking and tweens.

Dont ask unless you tried.

If yo tried it over like 6 times come to us if not dont ask at all.=)

Jep, and to learn the basic stuff, check out the Tutorials in Flash…

Yeah… Just basic animation skills right there… Probably used masks and the such as well :slight_smile:

Welcome to the phorums btw :beam:

~ playamarz

I make a stick man attack another stick man very cool like with nothing but motion tweens.

…Unfortunately his limbs disconnected for short periods of time, and rotated in unusual ways.

Other than that, though.

hmhmhmuhuhhmnm [that was supposed to be a laugh…[size=1](I just hate “LOL”)[/size])
Gadys and Lents:
…an exercise in…
“Stickmen Dismemberment with Unusual Rotation”
by:: Aislin [size=1]theWhatever[/size]

PS::Welcome…don’t forget to post complete details w/pic above ^

reland wants to see you so he can add you to his scrapbook of people to curse.

Or am I?

…no I am. :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay here.

Don’t forget to add your details to the Sticky thread at the top of Random, so we know who you are. :slight_smile:

you know, one of us should really write a tutorial on how to do those cool art transitions. I mean, it’s pretty simple, but to a beginner it must suck to figure out how to do it. Plus, I’ve never seen a tutorial on that kind of stuff.