Hi guys…
Right I have been tryng to fornat text within a dynamic text field for a few days now and have found that the only way seems to be by having the text in a xml file, with html tags and loading it in to flash…fine…
I have managed to learn the basics of xml and understand these…
I have managed to load the xml into flash and display them…
I have also managed to format individual text fields containing the xml by simply using the properties panel…
however, I cant seem to get the html side to work…perhaps I’m not using the right html syntax or perhaps just not telling flash to accept it.
I have attched the two files (examples)…for example in the 3rd “persons” node in the “comment” I would like say…a list of names…using html…indented and with bullet points…I tried copying and pasting html from dreamweaver put flash didnt like it.
Can anyone show me what 'm doing wrong…or how to get flash to recognise html within a xml file.
Please, please, please…
thanks guys.