HTML Question

I’m haveing some trouble with a new layout i’m making for my govt site.

As you can see the content in the the 3 colum table at the bottom won’t go to the top. It always seems to want to go in the middle. I can’t for the life of me figure out why this is happening. Any help would be great.

PS: I thought there was a HTMl forum but either it was removed or i’m crazy and it never exsisted. IF there is a better place for this please move it.

There, moved :slight_smile:

it’s called serverside/scripting now :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, dunno why it’s happening… but I love that graphic at the top :stuck_out_tongue:

Really fits in nicely :slight_smile:

Thanxs. I wish i made it. When working for the govt there are Visual Identaty Stardards that have to be followed. One standard is that graphic. Some one at VIO made it and i have to use it. There is alot of stuff like that that i have no control over. Thats why building this site sucks so bad. I have no creative freedom.

On your table cells do you have the tag set to vertical align at the top?

<TD VALIGN="top"></TD>

Thank you Beta. Why did it need to have that to go to the top? Shouldn’t default take care of that?

No, actually for some incredibly stupid reason that I don’t know of, the W3C set the default vertical alignment of table cells to “middle”

There is “top”, “middle”, and “bottom” , and they chose middle, which is stupid because how many people actually have all their content in the middle of their cell?!?!?!

That is very stupid. I never thought to try the align becasue I thought for sure it was a default top. I would have never had tried it so thanks

No problem :slight_smile:

Yeah, I spent hours trying to figure it when I made my first website, it almost made me give up HTML…lol.

But I didn’t even know about VALIGN then, now I know so much more about it to be able to fix stuff, I am glad I learned it.

<~~~ this is me babbling…lol.

Good luck on the rest of the site :slight_smile: