HTML Text and Embed Fonts issue with Masks?

Alright, I need help here, Ive been trying all day to figure this damm thing out.

What I have is a dynamic textbox within a movie clip.

The textboxes INSTANCE name is “newsBox” (no quotes) and the movie clips instance name is “newsClip”

newsClip is being masked by a rectangle shape. Now as everyone knows (or will soon find out), you need to embed the font outline for a dynamic textbox to work when being masked. That is all well and good… BUT… and it is a big but… When you want to render the text as html and read it as htmlText it doesn’t work!!!

Am I to assume that you can’t use HTML formatted text in a masked clip with a textbox? If so this really friggin sucks because it defeats the whole purpose of what I was trying to do!! :scream:

Is this a bug in Flash? Is there a reason they did this? Is there a way around it?

Ok, I set up an example .fla file of what I am talking about…

lost - I do this same thing on unflux, but the only difference is I
don’t have my text box as it’s own mc. It works just fine this way.

I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work your way though…seems odd.

I’m gonna take a look…

Apparently you’re right, that sux!
Report to MM!!

i realize that you want to do this via AS, but if you type directly
into the text box, it works.

Still playing with it…

I have to do it with AS because I load the text via loadVars.

ok, i got the text to at least show up under the mask, but it’s
not displaying it as html. It behaves like just text. weird…

Hmm, so you just added a 1 to the instance name? I wonder why that worked.


i added a 1 to give it a diff name and also changed the properties
of the textbox itself to be multi-line rather than a single. Not sure
why that worked, but also, if you toggle the html property on the
text box, it makes the text appear or not. Oddly enough, turning
it OFF in the instance properties, shows you the text.

Well the instance name technically shouldn’t matter, since the clip is located inside another clip Flash doesn’t get confused as to which one you are talking about, thats why if you use regular .text instead of .htmlText it works prefectly fine and you can set both textboxes to whatever you want.

So I really have no clue how changing the instance name got it to work even partially.

And I reset it back to single line and it still worked, and then it tried multi-line no-wrap and it still worked as well. So that setting doesn’t matter.

i took the masked box out of the mc and put it on the main stage
just like the other one, and it still isn’t registering as html.

this is definitely a brain-teaser…

Yeah I did the same thing, if you choose NOT to embed the font outlines it works great.

The htmlText option apparently doesn’t work with embedded fonts :-\

then it looks like you may need to keep the masked text box out
of it’s own mc. Like I said, this is how I have it on my site, and it
works. probably why I never ran into this problem either.

You really should report it to MM tho, at least to see if you get an
answer. maybe we’re just missing something on it.

I can’t not have it in the MC, what I am doing with it requires it to be in an MC.

I guess I will report it then.

yeah, sorry man. I tried… :-\

It’s ok. I tried all day as well and I greatly appreciate you at least trying, thats what matters :slight_smile:

np. :slight_smile:

if you can, and I’m sure you will, let us know what the outcome is.
If and when that ever is.

Ok, this situation just got a bit weirded :crazy:

Alright I removed all HTML formatting from my file and it all worked fine… BUT then I added an A HREF tag to my first lines of text. And everything STILL worked PERFECTLY fine… and get this… THE A HREF WORKED AS WELL!!!

So since the A HREF tag worked I was happy and tried to switch it to a bold or italic or other font formatting tag… it was a no go.

Weird eh?

I found something on it at Flashcoders… apparently htmlText is buggy left and right…

Scroll down to

TextField.htmlText setter deletes whitespace. Formatting Text using html & whitespace problems

interesting and weird all at the same time.

So, did you fix it? Happy with the work-around? any progress
other than what you posted above?

Nope, I didn’t fix it.

No progress other than what I posted above.

And no reply from Macromedia yet.

I did create a workaround to what I wanted to do so that my text can be displays sans HTML font formatting but still be distinguishably set up (I am actually very proud of my workaround, it involves XML updating… much better than my original idea). It took me almost 4 hours to write it (mainly took so long because I kept confusing myself as to which clips should do what), but I got something I am happy with.

I still want to know the solution to this though :angry: