Huge flash problem!

This is the biggest problem i have had ever from working in flash,

Here is the problem :

I have made a movie and then want to change the canvas size. I change the size but all of the objects are in the wrong place.

How do i move all the objects on all the frames into the right place. I have tried to select all of the frames in the time line but only the objects on the frame at the top of the timeline move,

I hope some one can be of some help,



you can use Edit Multiple Frames

its the icon at the bottom of the timeline that has two purple squares that are the same color. You can then select a range on the timeline and and select everything on that range

Alternatively, next time you start a movie, instead of making it on the main timeline, make it in a new moveiclip. Then, if you ever need to resize the whole thing, you can just scale the movieclip.

Also, for web publishing, if you’re only making it bigger (and not changing the shape so much) you dont have to mess with it in Flash at all; just change the dimensions in the HTML to scale it accordingly.

Thank you very much you have solved the problem excactly,

once again thanks