Hey guys, I relaly need your help. I am trying ot find the ice cream man song and i really need it badly. If yall know it or can give me a hint, or maybe look for it yourself i would appreciate it. I nned it for the is get together thing, and it would be cool to have. I have look all over web and kazaa. peace out. Thanks!
there are a lot of ice cream man songs. Which one are you looking for? I think pop goes the weasel is the most popular or most associated with an ice-cream truck.
“juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust oooone corneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetto… give it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… delicious iiiiiiiiiiiiiice cream… from itaaaaaallllllllllllly*”
[size=1]*but produced somewhere in the uk, obviously ;)[/size]
the one that sounds similar to “Do Your Ears Hang Low”.
Ears? I’ve never heard that sung with the word ‘ears’ before… :stunned:
“dooo ya ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro?
can’t you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow?”
Yes I know the lyrics, it’s just people round here use a different word instead of ‘ears’…
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh :beam:
“do ya ba…”
Thank you, and goodnight.
Ice Cream man?
I think winmx
( http://dld80.winmx.com/281553512/winmx331.exe )
is better then kaaza or any other it’s very light too
or www.coolgoose.com(be a member , they can surprise u with their collection.
Best of luck