Hyperlink help needed

Hi there, I need a bit of help with something, trying all the Flash-centric forums I can find to try and rustle up a bit of help.

I have a project where I’m working in Flash CS4 on a presentation that runs in ActionScript 1.0. I need certain lines of text to be hyperlinks. I have two instances in which there is an e-mail link and a URL link which are part of a larger block of text, and one instance with just the URL alone. So far I used the method where I used the Properties window to make the box static text and the text fields I require have been made into links, as well as making other instance dynamic text.

Thing is the HTML version of the file works all right, but the swf version doesn’t hyperlink properly. If I click on the link, it accesses my browser but does nothing else. I’m thinking maybe I need to officially add some code to those specific frames, but I’m a little confused as to what the proper code needs to be. I’m not too experienced with Flash, any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if there’s anything else I need to elaborate on from my end.