Ok, this issue has been something I’ve seen crop up time and time again.
Some of you lads simply do NOT know how to give a helpful critique.
And I don’t know if its out of sheer laziness or just not caring, but this forum is supposed to HELP people clean up their works RIGHT!?
Then why, WHY does a standard Kirupian critique consist of some combination of these basic elements:
- “If you put more time into this, it could be awesome”
- “I wouldn’t have done it that way…”
- “Go back to the drawing board, you suck at life”
First and foremost, NONE of these are helpful comments.
[U]“If you put more time into this, it could be awesome”
[/U]*Well, geez, thank you Captain Obvious, but that can be applied to EVERY SINGLE project on the face of the planet. EVERYTHING can be improved to some extent!
The key here would be to say HOW: “If you put some more time into it, doing this, this and this you should have a much better result”*
“I wouldn’t have done it that way…”
a) No one cares how you would do it, the fact of the matter is, you didn’t, so why not give ideas on WHAT you would do?
b) Again, the issue of not giving examples of how to improve is something that leaves a lot to be desired.
*"Go back to the drawing board, you suck at life"
*Ok, sometimes this one’s necessary. I’ll give you that…
But most of the time, someone is posting something that is pretty much done right? Or else, why would they be posting it in the first place right?
do YOU cut your losses and start again on a project you’ve already invested a lot of time and effort into? I should hope not…
And most of the time, that simply isn’t an option no matter HOW bad the piece is, so just avoid saying that all together, and instead be HELPFUL and give ideas on how to IMPROVE the sucker.*
So what the hell am I trying to get at??
Its simple.
If you’re going to give a critique, then give a REAL one.
Don’t focus on the whimsical dream of what something COULD be, instead, focus on what could be better about the CURRENT state it is in.
I know I would learn a whole lot more if someone were to bluntly state every single thing wrong with what I’ve already made, and give suggestions on how to improve what I already have. Thats how one learns design principles.
If you tell them to run off and start again, they’ll just come straight back with an equally distasteful heart attack of a design.
From now on I will assume the position of pointing out useless critiques to embarrass you.*