ok now its time for me to learn to create one…
any suggestion the best tute to learn it?
soul has it all over…just look through the other pixel art threads, he posts his tuts there. otherwise zoom in as close as possible and with the pencil tool go at it!
*Originally posted by Soul *
**Hey Viper :beam: Its a nice start, especially for your first piece!
I have some tips for you though. You haven’t got for the conventional isometric angles, which is fine as long as you meant to do it. And not best for a beginner. On closer inspection you’re lines aren’t correct, did you do them with the line tool by chance?
Messy lines
This is the standard isometric angles, zoomed in of course.
And this is like how many pixels.
Apart from that its pretty good, keep at it :beam:
- Soul :s: **
that should do it for yeah
mdipi: cool
soul: cool
Do you think a proper tutorial would be handy? do you think it would be used? I’ve been thinking about making a proper one for a while now
- Soul :s:
better think fast cause i was thinking of it too! heheh! nah if oyu want it you got it, i am going to do something else…
better tute: cool
soul do it1
eh can I do it with flash?
With Flash MX if you go to View/Snap to Pixels you can zoom in all the way and create a 1px by 1px square (no stroke outline) and then drag its corner to snap it to exact pixels. It is a longer process than in Photoshop or an art program, but entirely doable in Flash, just takes a bit more time.
i would like to see it done in flash, that would be cool. i might even try it…
Ive done it in Flash.
I actually recreated my entire footer as pixel art in Flash. It was an exact replica, you couldn’t tell the difference.
I was planning on animating parts of it, but never got anything I liked yet, so I didn’t add it up.
really? cool! that would be sick to see them move…
what’s so special about this pixel art anyway?
Nothing is special about it, it’s just highly addicting.
and time consuming, and looks cool, and…lol the list goes on…
hahaha alright then