just wanted to know what program most people use to do pixel art?
You can use any graphics program to create pixel art, since all pixel art is, is the create of an image pixel by pixel… dot by dot… with an un-anti-aliased pencil tool.
I personally use Photoshop. The use of layers makes it easier to add/remove/change things without having to make a whole new character/object/etc.
But heck, people even use MS Paint for pixel art. It works just as good, it just isn’t as flexable.
is flash better since you can go smaller than 1 pixel in it?
You can’t go smaller than 1 pixel in any program. 1 pixel is 1 dot on your monitors screen. It is impossible to have anything smaller than a pixel when dealing with computer graphics.
ok nm that was .25 pts not pixels. thanks for the clarification.
I like Paint Shop Pro for all the effects
but i use MS paint all the time for quick things and because of its simplicity
I usually use flash at 2000% zoom. Later you can add like drop shadows and outer glows using flashes soften fill edges technique. And the great thing is it’s still vector hehe :).
Pixel art in a VECTOR program?!?!?!? are you guys on crack? (the ones asking about / talking about pixel art in flash)
*Originally posted by Sharif *
**I usually use flash at 2000% zoom. Later you can add like drop shadows and outer glows using flashes soften fill edges technique. And the great thing is it’s still vector hehe :). **
that’s surely not pixel art then?
*Originally posted by APDesign *
**Pixel art in a VECTOR program?!?!?!? are you guys on crack? (the ones asking about / talking about pixel art in flash) **
Flash MX started the ability for “snap to pixel”, where when you zoom in it shows you a 1px by 1px grid. Using this you can create pixel art in Flash.
I’ve done it plenty of times.
@Sharif: How many drop shadows, fades, and softened edges do you see in pixel art :sure:
Pixel art that actually looks like pixel art??? I should take a look at that. Do you have any examples online?
edit: by the way - where is the option for the 1px x 1px grid?
eidt2:Found it - snap to pixel.
edir4: That actually works really well. I feel like a huge moron now.
i tried it, but it still looks like a vector image to me
did you turn “snap to pixels” on and use a lineless box tool zoomed at like 2000%?