I Can't Talk

Its something that limits full free speech. I think.

Yeah. I can’t normally speak correctly. I have trouble saying “k”, “c”, and “s” especially, but also some trouble with “r”… :frowning:

Well, at least you can say “I love Apple” without any troubles :wink:

Ha, that’s true. :lol:

I can’t read my shirt, though. “hi, i make macintosh® software.” [sic-several times]… :slight_smile:

Hey Nokrev, it will be over in a few weeks. U will get used to it and will speak normally in a few weeks time.TRust me i know, i had to go through the horrible experience of wearing braces, retainers and HEAD GEAR above all for 7 years…sigh…phew its all over for me now…yippppppeeeee

@nokrev: it will not be dat difficult. u will get used to it. my friend had retainers, she could speak properly after few weeks. be happy dat in the end of these trouble u will ve a beautiful smile :smiley:


I was told once that I needed braces aswell, and after clobbing the denstist, I got a nightretainer aswell :slight_smile:

(I didn’t really clobber him, he actually gave me a choice :party: )

I wore it for only one week, waking up in the morning with slobber all over the pillow, and finding your retainer under the bed, covered in schmuts isn’t all that haha…

Thankfully that was 10 years ago, and my teeth are fine… stupid dentist…

in one swift motion I knocked my retainer off the shelf, out of the case (it was partly open) and onto the floor where I stepped on it with shoes and it shattered. lol

it sucked, I had to go in for those awful imprint things, where they fill your mouth with like clay :slight_smile:

oh yeah, been there… I almost threw up all over the place, that clay **** feels like it’s crawling down your throat :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That clay stuff isn’t that bad at all… at least not at my place.

@jaya: How can you say that? I coudn’t speak normally before! :lol:

a tech forum discussing retainers :beam:

you guys are great!

So hows the retainer now? Getting any better Nokrev?

No, not at all. I’ve stopped wearing it at school. :wink:

I have a lisp and I speak too fast… I probably should have braces but really don’t want them at all (I’d rather have them later).

You do? Ha! I’m not alone! :smiley:

I really, really, really didn’t want braces at first. I was more or less forced into it, but I’m really glad I did.

Haha, that’s exactly what I thought when I saw this thread… maybe we should start a club or a society or something :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Nokrev
I am glad I got braces too; My teeth are staright now but I am not looking forward to the retainer; When I get it I know who I can share my pain with;)

Sure thing. :lol:


catchy :look:

No… the 14/15 year-olds with speech impediments who want to write programs to help their problem. :wink: