I got screwed!


Yea that really sucks. I’m sorry to hear that. Also, regardless if you had a contract or not you can still take her to court.

RB what exactly happened anyway. You made the site, published it and then she took a bunch of pages down because she’s not going to use it and only wants to pay for some of it? radio static

Thanks for the simpathy ! :smiley:

well, fellow canadian, I set up a server for her on www.name2host.com, and created her site there, she changed the password and told me, via email, she dosent need my services anymore and she sending me a check, but since she now changed the password, and holds the site, I cannot negotiate for a larger price (for what its worth).

well said

Ouch RB! that’s exactly why I never, ever give them anything until I get paid.

Same here. MaxDef gave me the great advice to keep the files on your server until payment has been completed. That way you can control it (read: shut it down) in case something like this happens.

where can I find this article?

I always make sure I build in back doors. Then they can change the passwords all they want. :smiley: (to be removed once payment has been received of course ;))

That blows man…

I’d like to give you some Yodadvice but I’m not qualified to, so I’ll stick to displaying my sympathy :beam:


Yeah I lost out on $4,500 once because a client backed out. That’s why I keep improving my contracts. Also I get %50 before I even touch anything and the other %50 percent before I give them anything.

How do you build backdoors? I’ve yet to be screwed in web design but it’s happened in other business situations and I really want to know how to avoid it.

can we see the link… i will pm u about hacking it if u want




far from my best work, but its what she wanted… and it was alot of friggin work…

mlk, pm me… :a:

Heehee :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck man…

Hey Russian beer,
What was the username you used at the host site? I’ve got a nice brute util that will return the password. Let me know. PM me! She’ll poop herself.

I don’t know about the idea of using some brute force hacking to get back your site, it seems a little unethical and would harm your future case if it goes to the legal action level. The fact that you never had a contract makes it messy because the exact ownership of the site is a wee bit into the gray area.

I’m with sirtimbly :slight_smile: If I were you (…we aren’t the same people??) I wouldn’t lower myself to her standards and do something that could get you into legal trouble. Have you considered going to a small claims court or something? More than likely you will win because, ethically, what she did was wrong.

You may lose what you could win if you go after her using John Gotti-like tactics :stuck_out_tongue:

that sucks RB. I also need to get on board with the contract thing. I have jest been lucky to date

You could try to get on one of those hilarious court shows!

Sorry about you being screwed by her though… :frowning: