I guess I'll try again, please gimme some feed back

I posted yesterday, but everyone is ignoring my thread, so I’m trying again. That is unless my site is just so perfect no one has any comments? lol. right. Anyways, please gimme some feed back peops!

Well my site is:

Team AbeX

Anyways, got a couple a questions, so here it goes.

  1. Is it best to make the intro movie, the first scene of the whole site, or is it better to make it its own swf and link it to the main site, and vice versa.

  2. The volume control slider for my streaming mp3’s on the profiles page seems to stick for a lot of people. But I dont know why. It is always fine for me on my computer at home.

chopper, since you made a new thread, I deleted your old one. Please do not create multiple threads of the same subject. If you want to get peoples attention then just reply to the thread you already created so that it will get bumped to the top of this section.

As for your site, here are the things I noticed:

  1. The layout looks way too busy and messy, you need to pre-plan things out next time before you start on your site.

  2. The font you’re using for your content makes it a bit hard to read. Using it for your title is okay, but for the content, you should use something that is less harsh on the viewer’s eyes.

  3. The flash forum is cool, but it doesn’t match your site at all, it seems like an odd ball.

  4. Since this is a CS site, how about showing some screen shots or some graphics of some sort? It looks too plain the way it is now.

Overall I think it still needs a lot of work, good luck. =)

EG hit most of the points I saw as well. The font in the main text
is REALLY difficult to read, so I think that should be the first thing
you change.

You should really embed the .swf file into the html page at a
specific size. I’m on a 19" monitor @ 1280x1024 and it stretches
all the way across the screen. This would be ok if the movie didn’t
distort, but it does…badly. Whatever size you designed it in
flash is the size you should make it in the html page so it doesn’t
stretch and move.
