even though i’ve been working with flash for a few months already, i was waiting and collecting ideas for my website. It’s still under construction but i’d appreciate any comments about whatever you like or dislike.
(ignore the index page, that’s just there coz i didn’t have time to work on something better)
thanx a lot.
Well you’ve improved since the last time I saw your site. You have pretty nice effects on your site now, but there are still a few problems I noticed:
The text used on your menu is a bit hard to read. Try using a different font too because the one your have now doesn’t really go well with your layout.
I think it would be better to have the little “x” on the window that slides out instead of on the top, it took me awhile to see it too since it was faded into the dark purple area next to the time.
Also to make it easier for you viewer, make the slide out window close when the options tab is clicked to so the viewer can have 2 ways to close it.
The color scheme is a bit too dark so maybe a little bit more color would be nice too.
There isn’t very much to cirtique on, but so far, you’ve improved a lot. The main thing I like about this site is how smooth it is, everything was fast too. Nice update. =)
thanx for the reply. the darkness might be due to my monitor; i use a flat panel monitor and u know how bright they are
i tried to figure out which font would go best with my site but there are just wayyyy tooooo many to chose from. do u have any ideas which font would suit the site? also, i was trying to figure out how to launch (play) a movie clip from another movie clip. i read my Flash 5 Bible but didn’t talk much about actionscripting… and the last thing i wanted to ask you is: i tried to use the “tell target” and then “gotoandplay” command to close move from one movie clip to another but it didn’t work. do you know why?
thanx very much for ur comments. i just hope that there will be less and less with every new update
For your site, you don’t need any fancy type of font for it to look good. If it was my site, I would probably go with something like a simple Arial font or Verdana to go with your simple look.
As for the actionscripting, I’m guessing you’re using Flash 5 or lower since you’re still using tellTarget, but I don’t use Flash 5 so I’m not familiar with tellTarget. But you can use the dot sintax and it should work as well so for what you’re trying to do you can setup your script like this:
electrongeek, what would be a possible command to close the movie clip? and a last question. if i have two different flash movies and i want to combine them; somehow load the second movie to a desired location. how can i do that?
and i actually use Flash MX.
thanx for the last message, it works
For your first question, just use the same action you used on the lil “X” to close the window, just apply the same action to the options thing.
As for your second question, if I’m understanding you correctly then what you would want to use is loadMovie which will load another swf into a empty movieclip located somewhere on you main swf. If you want to know more about this method then check out this tutorial.
sorry, but I was unable to navigate this site. When the menu came up, either buttons didn’t work or a selection would cover the interface, freezing my ability to escape my current selection. If people can’t easily navigate, they will most likely just leave.
The only thing I can suggest has been said already, and that’s
the choice of font for the menu. I don’t think the menu closing by
itself is a big deal, but EG is probably right, and to give the visitor
the choice is a good option to include.
Hey.i just updated a newer version which still doesn’t have much information and some things don’t even work. i created a new preloader and as i was browsing through the Kirupa tutorials, there was one which dealt with how to make text appear better so i tried it. it worked in the first scene of my movie, but, i have no clue why, as i did the same in the second scene, it didn’t show the text at all… does anyone know why that might be happening and how it can be sloved? the text that looks ****ty is static text and the one that looks good is dynamic text which works fine in the 1st scene. in the second one, i converted the dynamic text into a movie clip and made that movie clip move. do you think that it’s just not possible to move something that contains dynamic text?
thanx. i hope someone will be able to help me…
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