I hate getting up early

come on… who’s with me, who here hates getting up friggin early, just to get to friggin school…? :z:

I get up at 5am… and it is reeeeeally hard to keep those darn eyes open.

right now it’s 5:24 am YAWN


I get up at 6:30 AM. Right now its 10:25 PM so I don’t have to worry for a while.

I only mind getting up that early when I hit into very solid things that are painful!

Yes, getting up early blows. Especially during the Winter when you’re nice and warm under your blankets and have to get up to the coldness of your room.

yeah and the pitch black outside all the way to school… that just makes you even more tired.

I better go grab some breakfast…

Brr! Don’t even remind me of winter. Walking to school at about 6:45 in the dark isn’t fun either when its cold.

Yeah! Getting up early is bad - especially, like a few of you mentioned, when it is cold and dark outside :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah i use to hate getting up early, my last job i was getting up about 4:30 - 5 , getting to work 6, then coming back home 6.

i would leave home its dark then when i came home it would be dark…nasty, nasty stuff…

Getting up early at 5am just for school? sorry Eilsoe but I have to say wtf?! Here I am complaining that I have to get up early for school when you have to wake up at 5am when I wake up at around 7:30am.

its not so bad if you dont stay up all night :sure:

Ive been getting up early lately because of the *** outside my window. I just woke up about a half hour ago (3:30 am) and not because I was forced to because of school, but just because thats when I woke up :-/ I also went to bed at 9pm last night so I feel fine :pleased:

Last year, I though 12:30am was bad of a religion assignment, now i have increased it to 4am. Its funny how I feel more vibrant if I slept at 4am then sleeping earlier.

Eilsoe - you could sleep in a little later if you skipped writing on this forum before you go to school. :slight_smile:

hahaha !!!

I wake up 6.00 in the morning every day, but sleep 23.00 in the night so I do hate it,

Life is Hard ! :to:

I get up 7:30 but I’d get up at that time even if there was no school :to: Cuz if I wake up later then I panic because I’ve missed so much of the valuable day :stuck_out_tongue:

gettin up at 5am!! where do you live?? sounds like you have at least 3 valleys to navigate to get to school…

i smell bull s…

Now its 7:13 and I’m still tired, you’d think 45 minutes would wake you up a little, eh?

At least I have PE first. (Even though I hate that class)

whaaaa the horror, make it stop, MAKE IT STOP !!!

i almost got kicked out of school coz i couln’t get up at 6 every day… :frowning: :puzzle: :bored:

but this year, my roster is a bit better :slight_smile: only once a week to get up at 6 :smiley: :pleased:

whew, just got back home :love:

I have to get up at 5, so I can catch a bus at 6, get on a train at 6:12, get on another train for Copenhagen at 6:46, then the metro (subway) at 7:20-ísh, then at school at 7:30 roughly.

I COULD take the train from home half an hour later, but that would mean being at school at exactly 8am, and there’s usually trouble with the metro… so I’d rather be a little early in…

takes a long time yes… and then saaame loong way back home :stuck_out_tongue:

meh… I’ve gotten used to the trip, just not the getting up at crap o’clock…

in the summer time, i wake up anytime from 12-2:30. But when school starts, i have to wake up at 6:45 and leave here for 7 05.


School starts in 3 days!!!

Serenity Now!

Ugh mornings are the worst. I have to get up at 6:30 every other day this year. The other days I don’t have school til 10:20 though so I’m stoked about that. Only one more year of high school. WOOHOO!