Oh my lordy!

What the hell am I doing awake at 8am in the morning? I’ve never seen the world at this time before, its strangely different :beam:

runs around naked in the street because theres no one around

Ok wait there are lots of people going to work, its quite busy actually :-\

runs back inside and puts clothes on and cries in the corner

This is what you call morning madness by the way!


  • Soul :s:

haha. i hear you. i do that everymorning. (not the naked thing, the madness thing)
i’m one of those people who’s usually up in the morning from the night b4…
like right now…

Ohh golgi shush! We all know your a nudist… hell your naked now!

  • Soul :s:

Suit and tie for me… Although I was awake at 7.30 this morning to get to work. :sigh:

i like to sew my own clothes out of plastic grocery bags and recycled newspaper. just my little part in saving the earth…

feels like I never went to sleep at all…but I’m used to this, I
think. And even if not, I know I love it. :wink:

*Originally posted by golgi *
**i like to sew my own clothes out of plastic grocery bags and recycled newspaper. just my little part in saving the earth… **

Clothes? :stuck_out_tongue:

Who needs sleep anyway? That’s what work is for… :slight_smile:

lol I get up at half past 7 or sometimes 7 o’ clock! :slight_smile:

7.30 for me too… Mainly because I have to walk to the station and get the train in to Bromley every day. :sigh:

hm… I get up at about 7:30 (wake up 7:15) because I have (actually I must) to go to scool :slight_smile:

haha usally on my vacation i sleep to 1:30, but all this week i have been waking up at 10 :stuck_out_tongue:

i wake up around 7:30 to be at work or in school by 8:30. I like mornings a lot. Last semester I would sleep in till 11 and miss a lot of my day that way. horrible waste of time.

I set my alarm for 6:30AM last night, woke up at 10:30AM :trout: Never knew I could sleep through that annoying alarm clock.

splintcll :smirk:

Alarm clocks cannot control me :-\ I turn them off in my sleep! I found a cunning plan to fool myself though, I hide the alarm clock the night before. When it goes off the asleep me tries to turn it off but can’t find it so has to wake me up :beam:

Ok, I’m weird runs away

  • Soul :s:

If you’re wierd then I must be wierd to cuz that goes for me too!
I turn off the alarms without even remembering it! and then hours later I wake up and say "#&$#“€ alarm! Didn’t wake me up again!” So I also hid the stupdi thing and now I was gonna turnm it off and suddenly… wtf? I was awake and I had a feeling like I had been so confused I couldn’t understand anything!

Yay!! :beam: I’m not alone!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lets run away together Syko, lets run away together and hide alarms :love:

  • Soul :s:

Let’s hide all the alarms into KirupaVille! I’ll never find 'em even if I’m awake!

I have to have two alarms. One to wake me up and one to make me get out of bed. The second one is located across teh room and is very loud, so I have to get up to turn it off… :smirk:

um… that’s a good idea! That’s a very good idea! Thx for the very good idea! :slight_smile: