and it’s a legitimate one.
i’ve been gone for the last few hours and came back to see that the “this kind of bigotry pisses me off” thread has been moved and i can’t access it. Where has it been moved to? And why can’t I view the thread?
and it’s a legitimate one.
i’ve been gone for the last few hours and came back to see that the “this kind of bigotry pisses me off” thread has been moved and i can’t access it. Where has it been moved to? And why can’t I view the thread?
it degraded into an argument that had nothing to do with the thread, so it was “isolated” by kirupa shortly after you last saw it…
that happens to threads occasionally. If you would like to continue the discussion, you may create another thread on the subject if you wish…
oh i see, maybe sometime in the ordered forum. you’re right it “degraded” definately…
it got moved back to the random forum, then all schidt broke loose, so it was removed from sight…
Executive decision kind of thing…
nothing about the thread was involved.
Yeah I was gonna ask the same…
[expected a locked status rather than a moved… !!!]
I chickened out of asking 'cause I thought it’d make me seem as “one of those people” who gawk at 10 car pile-ups :!:
…sheesh - what a mess
thanx fer raising the ques. Pinx =)
it was a good discussion too…
maybe in a while.
[edit] I said nothing about being moved. I said “isolated.” [/edit]
but it says moved on the thread list (???)
I’ve said too much already…
hmmmm… n’ermind then … not terribly importante’
lv well 'nuff a-lone
Pinx, if you want - I can bring back this thread into Ordered with the irrelevant/problem posts removed. There is a forum viewable only to the moderators where troubled posts go. This thread was moved to that forum.
Kirupa :hat:
How many other threads are there in that place?
ohh, you mean the land of misfit threads? i heard about that place one time, but never thought it was real…
Heheh, the promised land! :thumb:
so this is like the matrix forum??? OMG this is all not real? <faints>
huh what? you mean i havent really been posting here/
If I wake up 400 stories high, naked in a vat of synthetic embriotic fluid and see a flush levor… :!:
…I’m gonna be really really pissed at somebody…
well i would be too, its like, hey mani just bought those cloths and you tookem? if you got this goo on them i will f onna you up!
…=)/ …
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Pinx, if you want - I can bring back this thread into Ordered with the irrelevant/problem posts removed. There is a forum viewable only to the moderators where troubled posts go. This thread was moved to that forum.
Kirupa :hat: **
that’s ok, but thanks anyways. I don’t really feel like discussing that issue anymore, maybe in a couple months again. haha
i’m sure i’ll find another issue to discuss fairly soon.
*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**so this is like the matrix forum??? OMG this is all not real? <faints> **
oh how lilttle do they know…that we are using all the…“normies” as sustenence…
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