I kinda get it. One more question HELP!


Now how do I make it just have the highlited items be displayed? Becuz it shows the whole page. I just want ‘Pimp’ to be shown. And also, how do I make it show up in here? ?

Or do I convert to .gif ??

That’s what I get with your link :
[url=“HTTP1.1”] STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member’s site.
pom 0]

[url=“HTTP1.1”] STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member’s site.
I get the same here! can you repost the link?

Shouldn’t you guys know binkster doesn’t allow direct linking? Just copy and paste into thge browser… Thx

All I see is an animated Pimp logo. What’s the problem again?

Its the aniumated pimp logo, but I need to know how to post it in here like the people do in there sigs. I know that with pictures I just do the


follow this link… :slight_smile:

Wow calling us all retards is a great way to get help, unless of course you were joking, but it sure didn’t come off that way to me…


where did someone mention retards?

lol…yeah…where did somebody mention retard? lol

ahh… now I see… he placed it in a subject line, rather than a post.

esrevyR XF
Posts: 5
(5/2/02 10:19:01 am)
Reply | Edit | Del Retards

Shouldn’t you guys know binkster doesn’t allow direct linking? Just copy and paste into thge browser… Thx

Tell you what esrevy… What on earth makes you think that any of us would have any information on that service provider? A retard is someone who makes false assumptions based upon a mental deficiency, like yourself, not someone who is ignorant of information.

Hypocracy is a ugly ugly thing sir.

^^ Yes, It was a joke. And you don’t need to throw a fit. The only reason I mentioned Brinkster.com is becuz the ppl at this site recommended it so I would think that they would know about Direct Linking from other sites isn’t allowed, rather than ***** to me about it. But anyways, thx for all your help ppl… Pz

now upu’s throwing fits… esrevy you really are a charmer :wink:
good luck…

well, then I suppose he’ll fit right in. I mentioned brinkster, and I am pretty sure that Simon and I are the only one that use Brinkster, but simon didn’t start until recently. Everyone else either uses Angelfire coughuselesscough or Geocities coughsucksasscough or Homestead coughmoreuselessthanangelfireandtwiceasbadasanythingihaveeverexperiencedbeforeinmylifecough Or have their own server. Brinkster is semi-new and not quite as popular, so assuming that the people on this board would automattically know that Brinkter does not allow remote linking is a bad assumtion. Good luck with Brinkster. They are a great host (so far)

lol…you know which sites get my temperature rising? Avidgamers!

Sorry to go off on you… but I was more polite than I could have been. I don’t care for people using the word retard since it is a statement about a person’s mental health, but you’re correct, that was far harsher than it needed to be. I guess I’d say, if you’re going to joke… just make sure people know it’s a joke, otherwise you just get what you deserve.

Normaly I’m one of the few voices of reason when things get hairy around here. :slight_smile: