I have my whole .swf file ready to go and it has cool sounds and everything. Two sounds are wav files and the background music is an mp3 file. Yet when I import the movie into the preloader file in the third frame like the tutorial says, and play the finished movie, the preloader works and the movie works, BUT I HAVE NO SOUND! I am so frustrated, can anyone help? Does anyone know why this might be happening?
I did exactly what the tutorial said, and then imported my movie into the preloader library, and dragged it from the library into the third frame of the actions layer. Is this incorrect? Everything plays right except the sound.
Instead of importing your movie you could have just selected all the frames of your original movie then dragged them over 2 frames, leaving the first to frames empty to use for the preloader.
Thanks for the tip!.. but now the beautiful preloader loads to 100% and just stays there… I’ll check every detail, if you know what might be wrong please let me know.
I think I got it… simple mistakes… the code is flawless hehe. Hey could you go to http://www.miragespeed.com/ and let me know if it works, and also let me know what you think! I am a Flash beginner and this took me alllll day.
One thing wrong with the preloader though, I noticed your bar doesn’t change size, it stays at full size, which means you must have forgotten to give it an instance name and/or you gave it a different instance name than what you target it by in the AS.
The animation itself is pretty dang good for a beginning. I can’t animate for anything in Flash.