I met mdipi (Mike) Yesterday!

I can’t believe I forgot to post about it :stuck_out_tongue: Yesterday, Mike was in the Boston area to visit colleges. He dropped by MIT for a bit, and we chatted for a while :slight_smile:



wow cool and dont tell me you guys did’nt took any pics :smiley:

Mike took a few :slight_smile:

Awesome! How did Mike know where to find you?

I’m guessing they arranged it beforehand. Sounds fun! :beam:

I want to meet a well-known kirupa member that would be sweet maybe kirupa or fester.

If anybody comes in the Montreal, Quebec area you can meet me in the park near my house. I’ll bring candy. [size=1]And rape.[/size]

Sounds Fun.

[ot]This thread is not this thread: http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=201206 [/ot]

I’ll bring the KY Jelly!

Krilnon - whoa haven’t seen ya around for a while :slight_smile:

Mike told me about this. I’m so jealous! I can’t wait to go college hunting, in three years. :stuck_out_tongue:

He called me on my cell :gm:

Mod privileges. :stuck_out_tongue:


Did you know they’re paid?

btw, that’s really cool kirupa. :slight_smile:

[ot]With Amazon gift-certificates. :P[/ot]
