I need a help!

I was wondering if anyone could help me?

I have a serious problem with my webdesign!

Does anybody know how i stretch my image in flash!?!
What i meen is, when i put my page up on the internet i can see it fit exacly from left to right… (1024*768

but the image doesnt fit for people in higher resolutions f.eks (1024*800) etc.

Would be grateful if anyone could help me on this.

Thx for your time

You can set the dimensions to 100% in the html, keep in mind this will stretch everything if they are using a resolution that isn’t the same ratio. Also if you use bitmaps this can make them look worse at different resolutions.

Ohh i can see it now!

Thank u very much, this helped me alot ;)!

Ohh wait… one last thing…

Should the scale be on :

Default (show all)

No border

Exact fit


No scale ??

I’m not real sure, I usually design for 800x600 and don’t use scale because it tends to make images look bad. I usually just use default and edit the html myself.