I need help making movies

ok i need help. i looked all over the internet, and i couldn’t manage to find a good website with reasonable content. usually, i don’t have enough time to go out and buy a book or shop around the net for a bargain. questions: where do u start? ; how and when did u get to the level as say the animators of stickdeath? where can i get good resources for the basics and creation methods of flash (stick-style) movie making? (if i have time…) what book woukld u guys recommend for a flash noob like me?

THANKS :evil: :slight_smile:

Well there’s loads of good Flash books out there, and you’ll probably find everyone recommends something different.

If you want to learn specifically ActionScripting then go for something published by O’Reilly. They’re very good for more in-depth, technical books. Otherwise try something like the Flash Bible.

The other way is to just go through a load of tutorials (such as those on kirupa) and learn through practice. Play around with Flash, you can’t really break it. If stuff doesn’t work, load up a blank canvas and trya something new.

Good luck.

all time you say that don’t have time…you need time for flash…

I’ve never used a book to learn flash other than the Flash 5 actionscript reference guide. Or the actionscript dictionary in the help section of flash. I started by doing the tutorials that come with flash under help>tutorials. Start by learning the basics of animation and the graphic type stuff then once you have that down start learning actionscript. There are great tutorials on this site and www.flashkit.com has a ton, some are good some aren’t. The hardest part is getting started, the flash interface and all the AS commands can be intimidating when you first start. Just do the tutorials then try to use the same things you learned from the tutorial in your own projects. If you have problems with a tutorial or understanding what the actionscript is doing just ask here and somebody should help you.

where can u get a good book on animation (cartoons, for example)?

good point emir. i am slowly making time for free stuff like forum browsing and flash stuff.

sorcerer: when did u start flash? about how long did it take u to get to the level u’re at today?

Everybody: where did you start out in flash? who here mainly started out in flash for the purpose of animation (currently using developed flash skills to make cartoons etc.)? where did u get resources?

thanks: kitiara for the great informtion regarding flash books, emir for the point of clarification, and sorcerer for the other handy advice.

plz help me! :rambo: