Where and how did you all begin to learn flash?

[COLOR=DarkRed]huh :sleep: well, i´ve been watchin all these cool sites, and would really like to learn flash mx, but i just can´t figure out where and how to begin :sigh: for example how do you make a really cool intromovie with najs fast transitions, it´s all a blur where to begin. how did you alla start out and how did you all learn to do them awesome sites? i´d really appreciate if you would share you´re experience from beginner to expert.

i´m all ears :ear:. thanks alot for answers![/COLOR]

trial and error, reading, doing tutorials… practice, practice, practice.


read… alot. also look into learning actionScript and XML. those are two big technologies when it comes to flash sites. also, you may want to take some photoshop tutorials and go through all of the tutorials here on kirupa because they are really informative. most of all you just have to keep on doing it.

p.s. i have been messing with flash for about 8 or so months and trust me, i have ALOT to learn. dont be discourgaged. it will take a long time.

crawl before you walk, walk before you run

pick out something you’d like to do (preferably a single effect not a whole site) and try it. If you get stuck ask questions (not just “how do I do this?” but “this is what I have so far - what am I doing wrong?”). Then combine that effect with something else. Before you know it you’ve got a whole site . . .


If , like me, you come from a non-programming background it’s not easy.

I got a good grounding in HTML, learnt enough of MySQL & PHP to get an online database up & then moved onto Flash.

Flash is very deceptive, it is designed & performs on many levels. On the most simple level you can create an impressive looking motion tween after having your nose in a book for 5 minuets - To become a master at it will take you a lot, lot longer, as I’am finding out!

Take onboard the above advice, get yourself a good book on both using Flash itself & most importantly ActionScript & check out the forum on a regular basis to learn from other peoples questions. A lot of the questions will seem like “Moonman language” until you learn a bit (Some still do to me!!) but gradually it will all start to make sense.

The most important thing is that you have a desire to learn - If you are enthusiastic about a subject you will always do well!

Good Luck!!

good systematic book is my choice. otherwise it’ll more difficult to make the head and tail.

so far…i learn all by my self…in the internet. all the tutorials there. search and learn.

[COLOR=DarkRed]Thanks alot for the answers so far =) I hope there will be more of them. Some of you recommended to start with a good book, do you have any particular good book in mind?

I´d like som more information how you all began; did you start drawing your idea on paper and then in flash? Do you draw the graphics in Photoshop or in Freehand or Flash? What kind of projects did you start out with?

Cheers! :p: [/COLOR]

well hendersson, it depends on what software you like most…you can choose photoshop like me but it’s more better if you know how to used the three of them. because each of them have their own cons and pro…
eg:some people like to make vector image using illustrator but i prefer photoshop. so choose what’s the best for you.

Well, it’s a good question. Flash MX Actoin Script Bible is a good book. You can start right from the scratch and to reach in advanced scripting techniques. It comes with a CD full of tutorials . You know, i’ve started flash learning from macromedia.com You can download lot of tutorials and live examples from there. But if you’ve sound knowledge is maths, you can explore the never ending possibilities of flash, that what i’ve been still missing. I kicking myself many times on these days for not paying much attentiona to the geometrical class in my collge life.

Hope this information is useful for you.

Learn to create your graphics in Flash if you can, the program doesn’t work well with imported images especially “Raster Graphics.”

All of my tuition came via Phillip Kerman - His teach yourself in 24 Hours (Published by Sams) is a good starting reference, moving on to his “Action Scripting” book.

I’m sure that there is as good if not better books & authors out there, but I have found his work very useful.

i started learning it when a friend introduced me to it. first movie i made was really basic. newby drawings etc. didn’t even know how to change the background. LOL.

but started looking into it more. learnt about the idea of actionscript, after i had taken a braeak from flash (as i was **** at is) and then learnt a bit of javascript through web design. went back to flash when i came onto this forum. learnt some new commands and started puting together some funky stuff :). my advice would be to get a good hold of the basics and learn how the code is set out. learn how it is formatted etc. This is helpful because it allows you to simply read the about functions and start using them, because you know how to set it out. - a good look at the reference helps too :slight_smile:

i read that sams teach yourself as in 24 hours. it’s a very good beginners book.

just play a lot with the program and I mean a LOT… then once you are more familiar with the basics of the program, then start to learn some action script…

the flash mx actionscript bible is an excellent book …

Three words… “Drag, Slide, Fade”. This book by Brendan Dawes is the perfect way to get you into Flash.

It helps get your head round how to actually begin making sites, the theories and processes you need to know and it also shows you how to create some cool effects.

At your level, you NEED this book!

Get it at www.newriders.com or visit Brendan’s site at www.brendandawes.com

I´ve read that Drag, Slide, Fade by Brandan Dawes contains some errors in the book. Any one else read this book and has an opinion about it?

I learned the basics of Flash this summer at computer camp. I’m already well aquainted with programming in C++6 and C++.NET and VB6 and VB.NET. So the rest I got from tutorials and trail and error. Not to mention the omniscient Flash MX help.

The question was “Where and How did you begin to learn Flash”

The answer is why here… of course.

It takes alot of patience, trial and error but more importantly an understanding of why whats happening happens.

If you have no Background in Design and Programing, start at the very bottom, learn HTML etc…

shouldn’t this thread belong in the random forum? Ahwell, I learnt VB before flash so as came pretty easy to me, This site right here! helped me complete my first major flash assignment (thanks again to everyone who helped me). I basically read one book about flash, did a heap of tutorials and got open-sources to help me see how to do certain things.