I need help with a school project

I need help. I have a scene where the viewer pick a color for an object. I want the object to be the color they picked in the next scene. what is the action script. can anyone help?

What is the problem ?? Is it that you can’t choose the color, or that you can’t pass it to the other scene ?\rpom 0]

I can not pass the color to the next scene. It needs to be the same color that they picked.

I tried to pass a variable from one scene to another, and it works. Be sure that you put the variable in the _root.\r\rpom 0]

how do you write the code. does it matter if the object is in mc and not on the main time line.

Of course it matters, because if the movie clip isn’t there, which is the case if you change scene, you lose the variables. You can use a temporary variable : _root.temp = your_Variable ;\rThen you can use the variable _root.temp in the next scene.\r\rpom 0]