I need help woth somekinda "showtext with scrollbar on buttonclick help"

Ok… Here’s my thingy… I have this flash page (yay). I want to do the following:

(all in same frame)

  1. Visitor clicks a button to the left.
  2. A text with a SCROLLBAR pops up to the right.
  3. User clicks another button to the left, Currently showed text to the right disepears, another text to the right shows.

Does anyone knoe any tutorial for this,
any help would be apriciated

(I’m a flash 5 user)

What seems to be the problem, juice? If it’s the scrollbar, there are tutes here, but also here http://www.actionscript.org/tutorials/intermediate/scrolling_a_text_box_II/index.shtml

There’s also a wonderful fla at Ultrashock, I can try to find it if you want.

pom :slight_smile: