I need some help with the infinite menu

i have completed the great tutorial on the infinite menu !!

i have made and assingned buttons to go to specific scenes, but when clicked they don’t go to the wanted page.

please help me emergency!!!


Can you show the code you applied to the buttons?

the only code i have put in is a simple go to and play (lol)

thats why i thought i would ask !!!

do you or anyone kow the right code to put behind my button ?!?!?!

Care to post the fla?

my .fla is very large i am desinging it to go onto a cd that i am goig to send away to other business. so it is rather large lol

all i need the button to do is to get me from one scene to the other !!

but for some reason it just isn’t liking anything !!

any form of help would be appreciative !!!

thank you

_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number);
};[/AS]This will move to a target frame on your root.

Yes, it is most probably a problem of scope. If you do a simple

gotoAndPlay("myScene") ;

you refer to the timeline containing that code, which is the menu itself. To refer to the main scene, which is one ‘level’ up, you’ll have to use _parent.gotoAndPlay or _root.gotoAndPlay to go directly to the _root of the movie.

pom :slight_smile:

AWESOME !!! thanks for the help !!! it is working like a dream !! hopefully the people i send it to like it as much as i do !!!

again thanks for the help !!


anytime :slight_smile: