Problem with the infinite menu (how to make the buttons work?))

I’ve just finished making my own infinite menu with the help of the tutorial. But theres one BIG problem. The buttons dont seem to work. If i press on the first button i want to go the the next scene (scene 2) :

on (release) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 2”, 1);

It wont work. but when i change the code to:

on (release) {

it works.

What should i do???


Someone pleaseeeeeeeeeeee help me. Its for school and it must be finished by tommorow:(

same **** here…

can some1 explain how to make it work


Maybe _root.gotoAndPlay… ?

At last someone replied!!!:slight_smile:

Can you show how the final code will be cuase im pretty new to flash.


on (release) {
     _root.gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 1);

I wish my school would have projects that I could have used flash for. My school was cheap. People drove tractors to school. It was a huge farming community. The biggest department in my school (the one with the most funding) was the Agriculture department…Stupid farmers…

thnx man. Im gonna try it now and see if it works. And LMAO about your school. Im atending a art, design and multimedia school.


Farmers rule.