I own part of Microsoft... no BS!

hey guys and girls,

i was looking around and found this site www.oneshare.com

you can buy 1 share of a big company and even though it means nothing you can still say you own a part of it.

infact you could own parts of Adobe, Intel, Dell, Microsoft, Coca Cola, WWE, Yahoo!, Disney, Amazon.com, Mc Donalds and so many more.

it is cool you get an offical Certificate.

LOL i own part of Microsoft… LOL:)


I used to own a part of coca cola. About 8 hours later I didnt anymore. :!:

i am going to add that to my sig… LOL:geek:

lol. too phunny, but if someone owns like 15% you know htey could have total control over the company, cause most of the time 15% can be the majority stock holder. but in some cases its more, i think there is a minimum before you get that. but thats just a little tid bit for you.