I actually think he is a pretty brilliant guy
I think he is a great guy too and I am tired of hearing ignorant idiots bashing him because they are jealous of his success.
I have never once heard him claim to be a great coder. He is a business man like the millions of others out there. It just happens that he was a programmer as well.
So why do people hate him so much?
Because he has accomplished in his life what most of us could only ever dream of.
Those who appreciate all he has accomplished call him a brilliant business man. The ones who are to jealous to see this call him names.
Now there are the people who are jealous of him & Microsoft, but rather than turn around and admit that they don’t like him because they are to busy envying him.
They say they hate him because he takes away our freedom of choice with his monopoly and anti-competitive business strategies.
Well if we didn’t have Bill and Windows what would we have ?
We would have dozens of small companies all trying to market there own OS. These operating systems would be crap compared to Windows because they wouldn’t have the monopoly and hence resources to be able to develop on the scale of Microsoft.
So we would have dozens of small operating systems all using there own technology and file formats.
Because of this software companies wouldn’t be able to concentrate on making their programs work on one OS.
Now because they would be spending so much time trying to get their programs to work on all of them, their programs would be no where near as good as they are today, and you would have nowhere near the choice of programs we have because they would take so much longer to develop.
Next time you think about bashing Gates or Microsoft think about where we would be today without them.
If Microsoft didn’t have a monopoly they wouldn’t have been able to develop windows 3.1, or 95, 98, Xp etc.
If there was no Micrsoft, by now if we were lucky, we might all be using 1 of 20 different operating systems that are the equivalent of windows 3.1 and we would all be playing games like the original DOOM.
Think about it