I Quit Smoking

Well folks this is it. I am finally quitting smoking. Im 23 years old and have been a pack-a-day smoker since I was 12. Its time for me to quit.

Wish me luck.

I have not had a smoke since Sat evening.

don’t be like my friend who quit then started again a couple months later.

good luck kicking the habit.

Newport Menthols yummmmmm, my girlfriend got me back into smoking again, I need to get us BOTH to quit!

I saw this thing on TV. The smoke away system. It sounds for real.

I am all set with the patches and nicotine gums and crap.

I am also sick of having a $130/mo habbit. Id much rather spend that on beer or video games.

You could almost buy a Gamecube with a free game with that much.

Good luck fester - I hope it works out well for you :slight_smile:

That’s great! I’m proud =)
stick with NOT smoking

I would say good luck, but luck has nothing to do with it. :wink: So, I hope you quit for good. :slight_smile:


Good luck! My sister once told my grandfather to stop smoking. He did!

If a loved one explains how bad smoking really is and the consequences that affect you, it’ll help you quit.

Also, it’s good that you’re quiting early (well 12 - 23 isn’t that early), but it’s better than quiting when you’re like 40.

Keep it up.

Fight those cigarretes! :rambo: :ninja: HIYA!

Good luck… If i could do it all over again, the only thing i wouldn’t do is smoke… You started at 12 - oh my god that’s young…

I only wish i had the willpower…


thanx folks!

I was just about to snag a smoke from my roomate before I read this thread again :THUMB:

Im not going to now :beam:


kick the habbit!


WAy to Go Fester!

I stopped 3 years ago, after meeting Mrs. Rev…

You’ll be amazed at the new flavors & smells…



Well done =)

Me too buddy! =)

let´s make it work, shall we?


I know you can stop! Plus, I am sick of picking you up butts every weekend!

Proud of ya, hon!

nice one mate, best of luck to it all.
maybe these pics will help. They show what smoke does to your lungs print them out and stick on your wall if you need motivation:

smokers lung one:

smokers lung two:

useful website:


Now I want Pudding or something.

Congrats Guig0…Im not going to fail this time.,

you are so frigin disqusting, I actually thought you would come up with a lot worse of a heading then that!