Smoke free?

i saw a few people with “smoke free since (date)” under their sigs and was wondering what percentage of the kirupaforums actually do smoke, marijuana or cigs. i do both :).

probahly has been one of these before but i’ve been gone and haven’t seen it, so respond if you would.

I am proud to say that I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t to drugs… I’m just too perfect :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

never smoked in my life, it’s icky :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
**never smoked in my life, it’s icky :slight_smile: **

Oh yeah… me too! Believe it or not but I haven’t even tried… never!:!: :slight_smile:

I smoke about a pack and a half a day, and about anything else I can get my hands on, I am just too perfect

I used to smoke a pack a day, then I went cold turkey, now I smoke a pack at avery party, and I get an occasional cig at work. But it’s like, one every few days.

Ahh… so under your footer, the phrase some free is lying!

depends on what “smoke free” is to an ex smoker…

I’ve never tried smoking, cigs or mary jane.

Been smoke free since October 11, 1984 :slight_smile:

I quit the same day as Eilsoe.

I made it about a week that time. I smoke a pack a day. Way more if im drinking.

never ever smoked in my life, and NOT planning to at any time in my life, doesnt get you anywhere

oh yes it does.

*Originally posted by Littlekill *
**never ever smoked in my life, and NOT planning to at any time in my life, doesnt get you anywhere **

ha ha yeah but it dosent prevent you from anything either. Just the wallet is a little lighter.

YEa, i smoked allot of marijuana and cigs. but it’s kinda of dieing down. I just stoped one day. I think it was yesterday.

i smoke about a pack a day. go threw around an oz of mids alone also. just makes things more interesting :slight_smile:

I don’t smoke, never have. Hate it actually. My whole family, and
everyone at my job smokes BUT me.

good going keep it up!!! :smiley:

i wish i could

No offense, but Marijuana and smoking are horrible.

I will never smoke, take drugs, or drink.

I used to smoke cigs but I quit cold turkey over two years ago. Now even smelling it makes me gag. I have tried marijuana a couple times but it was nothing special and I never did it again.

Eh… I don’t smoke cigarettes… actually allergic to them… And yes that means I can’t stay around smokers very often…

As for mary jane… I use to do it heavily some year ago… For stress relief and aching pains that no pill could help… Actually mine could have been doctor prescribed had I wnated to pay that much for the ****… hehe