i saw a few people with “smoke free since (date)” under their sigs and was wondering what percentage of the kirupaforums actually do smoke, marijuana or cigs. i do both :).
probahly has been one of these before but i’ve been gone and haven’t seen it, so respond if you would.
I used to smoke a pack a day, then I went cold turkey, now I smoke a pack at avery party, and I get an occasional cig at work. But it’s like, one every few days.
I used to smoke cigs but I quit cold turkey over two years ago. Now even smelling it makes me gag. I have tried marijuana a couple times but it was nothing special and I never did it again.
Eh… I don’t smoke cigarettes… actually allergic to them… And yes that means I can’t stay around smokers very often…
As for mary jane… I use to do it heavily some year ago… For stress relief and aching pains that no pill could help… Actually mine could have been doctor prescribed had I wnated to pay that much for the ****… hehe