Okay so I am approached here on the forum about contracting with a member here. Which is cool, so first they hit me with can you do this one for me as a sample. So I say no I dont do that. Then he says okay. SO later I get this email entitled “first paid project”. So I am like cool. Only to find this… :lol:
A nice professional and simple web page design for a freelance site. The
site is to be designed in a tableless CSS layout. The layout would be
simple and my client would be contacting you soon. Please decide the
time you can come online with him, so you can discuss furthur requirements.
PRICE : *15 $
You must work as VARUN. As you’d accepted at the start you must work
as if you are varun to the client. -
MOST IMPORTANT : Do not talk about payment details. Just talk about
project details and as you complete it you can ask them to email to
v**@*****.com for Payment details. You will be given the amount in
Paypal that has been accepted here only after the project completion. If
they ask why to email elsewhere just say that “it’s my(yours-****'s)
email address where i discuss payments”.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Clients can be really funny sometimes. I took this to work and it is the topic of the day…:lol: