I was wondering again

where do u guys learn flash from huh? do u guys go for classes or what? well for me i’m just getting myself some books on flash and thats it…:tb:

www.kirupa.com! ( and flashkit.com too… sorta)
I have never bought books to study programs! All the knowledge comes from the web!

No books or classes here… just me, Flash and the help files for looking up the definitions of objects/functions etc. When I started surfing forums and helping people, and I ran into a problem I didnt know off the top of my head, I sat down at Flash and figured it out. Do that enough and you’ll have the program down pretty good :wink:

hey nice… yeah i got agree with you! kirupa.com is a perfect place to learn about flash :chinaman:

alot of practise and alot of expirementing on how diffrent things work.

*Originally posted by senocular *
**No books or classes here… just me, Flash and the help files for looking up the definitions of objects/functions etc. When I started surfing forums and helping people, and I ran into a problem I didnt know off the top of my head, I sat down at Flash and figured it out. Do that enough and you’ll have the program down pretty good :wink: **

Thats the same thing I do!!!

The AS Reference in Flash MX is my friend, I couldn’t live without that thing.

I really need to apply myself more to learing the AS aspect of flash - it’s so limitless with what you can achieve.

Lost and Sen - you guys are my mentors, ya just don’t know it :wink:

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Lost and Sen - you guys are my mentors, ya just don’t know it :wink: **


Let’s see… Umm… I knew other programming languages so memorizing a couple of functions here and there was alot easier for me…

I just needed to figure out how the new object interactivity would work and that took about a month to figure out…

Experimentation, Asking for help and the AS Reference Guide are your friends. :slight_smile:

playamarz :player:

I went into a book store yesterday and was sitting there for 4h just reading php flash ps7 and other books. And those flash books are on one hand just baby stuff that everyone knows or they are so thick that you can read years in them,…

Mostly by just trial and error - for AS I used Colin Moock’s ASDG…a great book :slight_smile:

when the first time I came here to the US for vacation, I bought a Flash 3 book, that was the 1st time I learnt flash

www.i.self.taught.myself.com I taught myself, no help files or anything… I could’ve just read some manuals or something, but I’m too lazy and It was a sort of self-goal.

The only thing Is that I was manually keyframing animations OFF of the scene :slight_smile: because I didn’t understand the scene yet:) so that was extremely imbarrasing. But then I learned… and when I wanted to know some certain thing I would open up Flash… open up Kirupa.com and read!