If/Then Actionscript for Butons - Help!

Hello everyone, I’m fairly new to Actionscript, and I’ve been wracking my brains over this while going through the Actionscript help files.

I would like to make smooth transitions between movie objects using if/then statements attached to my navigation buttons.

The movie clips are not external swf files, but objects within the main swf.

Basically it needs to work like:

If movie object 01 is loaded then on button click goto and play frame 2
If movie object 02 is loaded then on button click goto and play frame 3

This would all be attached to the same button so I could have smooth transitions between my animated movie clips.

Also, the buttons are within a movie clip themselves, so it would have to control the main scene, not the movie they are embedded in.

Can anyone offer some advice or help on this? Thanks!

EDIT: To see the actual swf I’m working on, it’s at http://www.studiophantasm.com/test.html