Event Horizon was an strange movie…
I just saw “Ringju” this evening. The japanese movie that the “Ring” was based on.
Check it out if you can, it tells more of the story than the american version.
David, everyone’s asking how it is scarier than the american version. Can you point out a couple things that are different?
The Japanese verion is supposedly extremely disturbing.
HAHA, The Ring is so not scary… haha
i thought it was pretty scary but not as much as six sense
ahaha, i was the only one in the movie theater that was laughing when she fell in the well. i just found that HILAROUS! lol my friends where looking at me like i was crazy.
when i read this i rolled on the floor laghing cuz i thougt i was the only one who thought it was funny.
hehe, the one with the well was funny. Actually I think it would have been scary if the stone which covered the well would have fallen down into the well. That would have been awesome scary but so… It wasn’t scary
to all of you that suggested the japanese version… i agree!!..
i first saw it 4 years ago… and scared the **** out of me…the hollywood one was just lame… personally asain themes scare me more… not full of all that BOO! scariness… and maybe just cuz i was brought up listening to it all…
the plot is slightly altered… it just made more sense to me.
i don’t htink that the one i saw was sub titled, so good luck to those who don’t know japanese…
yea quality could be bad at times… but hey budget is way smaller in japan than what hollywood can offer…
The Ring? Scary? Ho-hum… I guess Im desensitized by the whole thing… yes, some stuff was a bit creepy, but the original “The Evil Dead” still counts as one of the scariest films for me. I’ve seen every slash and dash movie from The Fog through Jason 400. <yawn…> You know what’s scary? Tax Day.
oh, and feardot.com was pathetic with a lot of its part practically identical to the ring.
oh come on, none of you thought it was scary? this morning when i woke up i saw my lamp crashed on the floor which totally freaked me out. i get really paranoid after watching a scary movie. the last time i watched a good quality scary movie was when i was like 8, watching the Exorcist at like 2 in the morning. i still can’t forget that statue of Mother Mary following that nurse…
honestly! I thought it was creepy, and I liked the whole “picking up the fly thing” and even her coming out the way she did… the rest? Nah…
*Originally posted by Thoriphes *
**this morning when i woke up i saw my lamp crashed on the floor which totally freaked me out. **
Well atleast you didnt have her handmarked on your arm rotflmao that wouldve been scarier lol
hey Thoriphes,
you watched it last night right? that means you only have 6 days left…
but some of the parts where scary and the other parts where hilarous.
lol, i think 5 now…
hey Thoriphes, you know what would be a great idea, if you could find a copy of that tape on kazaa or something, and send it to one of your firends so it opens full screen. now that would be crazy.
I just saw it two nights ago with one of my roommates… we both agreed that we were very let down in the “scary” departement. I was expecting something freaky, actually I was way more scared before the movie got going. I dunno what runied it for me… I think it had to do with the fact the the prevailing attitude of the character did not match their actions in the movie well. I mean Rachelle (the main woman) is totally spooked over this tape that kills you when you watch it, but she leaves it in the VCR with her kid home?? Shows it to a friend??? Leaves it with the babysitter??? Etc.
And it was a little too much 6th Sense for me…
6th: “…I see dead people…”
Ring: “…she never sleeps…” and said in almost the same voice. hmmm.
I dunno I heard good things about this one, and was stoked to see it, but was truely let down in the end.
oki, not wanting to read all this, I’ll just state my opp on THE RING…:
It was good… not scary, but goot, I liked the story I saw it at the movies with 3 of my friends, one of these was pretty terrified after the film
I made some scary voices during the film, and he was soooo p*ssed at me
always funny scaring ppl at the movies =)
hey all. i have to agree with Thoriphes, the ring was one of the scariest movies i’ve ever seen, and i dont scare easily… i think the last movie that scared my this much was dr. giggles, (dont laugh, it was creepy as hell! and i was a kid, too heheh).
i saw the american version of it first, alone, at night, my dreams were haunted for like 2 days with that little wench coming out of various things in my apartment, including my fridge and my bathroom sink! hehe.
then i heard about the original one, so i got it, and i’m sorry to say, but i think it was not as scary. i have a feeling though if i saw the japanese version FIRST, and the american version SECOND, i would have felt the exact opposite; i think it had to do a lot with the surprise element. either way, i think it’s one of the best scary oens i’ve seen ina while, as i said, im hard to scare, so this makes it get extra points in my book. oh, btw, there are many japanese “Ringu” versions out there, inclucing a made for tv series… and having seen a few of these, i must agree with the critics that the first ringu is by far the bestest…
and someone mentioned feardotcrap.crap
oh man, i saw that a short while after the ring, and i swear, i was wiping the popcorn bits off my computer for a week (a nice way of saying that it stunk so bad and was such a blatant rip that i continually threw food at my poor moniter)
well to be on the safe side i watched the ring and made a copy of the dvd just in case you know lol