If you guys really want to see a scary movie

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**wasn’t scared at all by the ring.

scariest movie I’ve seen was Event Horizon. I was like, 8, so that might have had something to do with it. But either way, Event Horizon is a far higher quality movie and than The Ring. The Ring was crap. **

uuuuuummm event horizon sucked imho but i just wished it was more graphic, silence of the lambs is a good movie, hannibal was kinda okay, red dragon was pretty good, now i just hope they actually show us one day a movie where hannibal lecter comiited all thsoe crimes and show all the scenes as graphically possible, a movie ive been trying to find its from the 70 i thinks its calaed canibal holocaust or something like that, it looked very graphic had peaple eating otehrs braings and using their heads as plates of food and all kind of other stuff very graphic i just cant seem to find it anywhere :frowning:


more graphic as in more blood, grimdeath? Or something like that?
You like movies by how much gore is in them?
You’re a freak.

IMO- all the hannibal movies sucked becaue they had too much. They ruined a great story by putting in a bunch of crap.

Again. You’re a freak. Freak.

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**more graphic as in more blood, grimdeath? Or something like that?
You like movies by how much gore is in them?
You’re a freak.

IMO- all the hannibal movies sucked becaue they had too much. They ruined a great story by putting in a bunch of crap.

Again. You’re a freak. Freak. **

yup more explicit scenes like when they showed the people eating others and stuff with their insides out stuff like that i love watching those kinda things call me sick i just do, i love the rotten website and a few others i just found the daniel pearl video a few weeks ago and man that is very graphic stuf like that is what i talk about


i didnt say i had pleasure watchin it i said it was very graphic , think what you may about me just dont judge a person by what he finds interesting, what happened to Daniel Pearl is very sad and disturbing, when i first saw it i felt embarresed to be on this world with people that can actually do this to another human being, movies is okay because you know its not real but watching something like daniel pearls death is very disturing and shocking, but you know what were in teh real workd and stuff like this happens every day and its things like that that make you appreciate life that much more and make you think you know what i dont have it that bad compared to what other have to go through


i just dont know why any one would want to see the distruction of anyone…

I deleted my previous post, grim, because I know you read it, and that’s all I wanted.

Taking pleasure (and that includes ‘liking to watch’) someone else’s pain (I laugh when someone gets kicked in the balls, but that’s not what I mean, and you know it) is gross.

It does not help us take life more seriously. We know what’s going on around us. We do not need to look at it. Watch it. For entertainment, no less.

People like you help rotten.com survive. People like you need mental help. People like you should not do that.

I don’t care about your reasoning. Because no matter how you look at it, it’s not right.

hey i respect your opinion, im not asking you to respect mine, no hard feelings we just think diffrent
