The Eye - imo, scariest movie ever

While I was on vacation a buddy of mine showed my cousin and me this film, the Eye. Most of you may have not heard of it because it’s an Asian film. This is quickly becoming one of my favourite films of all time because of the successful impact it had on me.

So the three of us watched it in full volume in the wee hours of the night. I honestly have not been so scared in my entire life. At certain parts of the movie I simply just wanted to cover my eyes, but tried to play it off as if I was passing out. Before I thought the Ring was scary and Ringu even scarier, but watching the Eye made the two look like Disney movies.

Some of the scenes from the movie still haunt me today. The friend who showed it to me said it took him two months to cope.

So watch the trailer here:

And then go watch it. I guarantee you’ll like it.

That certainly looks creepy as hell. I will certainly be going to see it if it comes out in Britain.

I indeed did like the trailer. I think I’ve read a story similar to what I think this movie is about in my schoolbook. Sounds like a cool movie, though I know I’ll be haunted for months after I watch it :beam:

i dont see how i can see it, im in georgia, guess i have to wait for the dvd:(

DVD’s out =)

Some say they found their copies in Blockbuster’s sale bin.

If not, there’s always Amazon.

I actually have heard of this movie - a first for me! They were playing it last year on the college theaters. I didn’t see it, but the previews did seem scary :slight_smile:

saw this movie definetly one of the scariest movies I have ever seen

Asian horror movies are some of the most freakiest stuff you’ll ever see, especially Japanese horror movies. Although I haven’t seen The Eye, I have heard much about it from a friend. Check out some of movies made by Takashi Miike, the master of Japanese horror. You can also find Ringu (the original Japanese Ring) at most Blockbusters, I highly recommend it.

I will never watch the trailer or any scary movie. Ever. I don’t like not being able to sleep. shudders

nice find, looks like a good movie…Im in need for a good scare :vamp:

:!: …


Wow… im going to get that movie for sure…
I need a good scare…

I have been meaning to watch this, I remembered the front saying something like ‘a movie like the ring’, or something.

Looking forward for “Ju On” same creater as the Ring(japanese original version). By the way it’s called “Ring” not ringu. Ringu is the way they(japanese) pronounce it. I hate it when people calling it ringu cause it doesn’t make any senses.

BTW trailer for Ju On.

Well the japanese version of the ring was called ringu. I don’t understand what you meant maybe. But thats what the box said.

I believe he’s right. Je pense que tu ne sais quoi, jenesaisquoi :wink:

as jenesaisquoi said, the Japanese can’t say “ring” so their version says “ringu” but the point is that they’re talking about the RING so while the box may say “ringu” the actual title is meant to be Ring.

anyway, back on topic (:P) i didn’t think the trailer looked very scary… i’m sure the movie might be, but i certainly didn’t find anything particularly creepy there… but that other movie “saw” on the other hand… freaked me out completely.

ok, I rented the eye yesterday because everyone here said it was scary… and it’s not…

my gf didn’t think it was scary, and she even thought Signs was scary… :-/

8$ down the drain…

I was pretty freaked out. Sucks you didn’t like it.

[size=1]To each his own[/size]

The eye isn’t scary, just creppy. Especially the elevator part, **** that old flying dead guy behind her is just … (I just wanna go out from the elevator eventhough I’m not there)

Im gonna rent this i wouldve loved to watch it with my gf but since it has only english subtitles i guess ill ahve to watch this one alone even better i hope its pretty scary havent seen a good scary flick since the ring which i actually liked more than ringu, ringu to me seemed more like comedy i even purchased it cause people said it was scarier and to my surprise it wasnt :frowning: