…watch The Ring. dear God, i haven’t been scared like that in a while. This movie makes Signs look like walk through the park.
hmm… nightmare before christmas always struck me a terrifying. it kind of messes with your mind.
ahaha, i was the only one in the movie theater that was laughing when she fell in the well. i just found that HILAROUS! lol my friends where looking at me like i was crazy.
scary movies like scream and whats it…the last summer movie… theyre really not scary. theyre just dumb. its all aout the frame of mind. you could be scared of any war movie if you saw it thinking you were watching a scary movie…a really really scary movie apart from nightmare before christmas was the excorsist (sp)
whooo…i didnt sleep for WEEKS!
sphere was pretty scary too…
seen it! Pretty scary yeah! But nothing too much scarier than other scary ones!
I heard that Japanese version of The Ring is scarier than the US version… I mean alot
yeah its one of those scary movies will have you watching your tv while its off and hope it wont turn on lol honestly its a real good movie its one of my favorites i love it now im gonna rent this nightmare before christmas never heard of it i love scary movies but thers basicaly no scary movies anymore, my personal favorites, exorcist, the omen, island of the living dead (the movie taht created resident evil) other than that there arent that many good scary movies anymore, psycho and the birds are other good flicks too so if you guys see some real scary movies or graphic movies like the ones entioned below please let me know so i can rent some lol
P.S. i love thee movies also but theyre not scary movies but theyre sick seven all time favorite and resurrection with christopher lambert it looks crappy but its real sick almost like seven but its awesome movie i loved it real graphicthanks
Watch the Japanese version and you’ll **** in your pants, Thor, I’m telling you
I didnt think the ring was scarry as in make you piss your pants, but scary as in it was so disturbing.
[SIZE=3]why oh WHYY[/SIZE] wasnt i scaed at all during the ring? =/ makes no sense. i wasnt the least bit scared.
hey, pom have you seen the american version too? anyway, now i’m gonna rent that japanese version.
i think what made that movie scary was the fact that i was watching it alone (:() and in the dark. it really sets the mood for the movie.
hmm… i didnt think the ring was that scary… only the part with the girl’s body at the beginning and near the end where the tvgirl comes out and kills that guy…
i dont think signs was meant to be a scary movie, like sixth sense was not meant to be a scary movie… at least i hope it wasnt.
Silence of the lambs is probably the scariest movie i’ve ever seen… scared the crap out of me…
the only movie that has ever given me nightmares was the wizard of oz, go figure…
have you seen the japanese version?
how would the japanese version be even scaryer? i am really not sure why. please fill me in so i can go rent it.
wasn’t scared at all by the ring.
scariest movie I’ve seen was Event Horizon. I was like, 8, so that might have had something to do with it. But either way, Event Horizon is a far higher quality movie and than The Ring. The Ring was crap.
All right =) Haven’t seen the ring yet, but I am usually scared of scary movies, so I am not going to watch it hehe.
Aislin, grim - I removed your responses; let’s all be friends
Kirupa :pirate:
the ring would be much better if the last ten minutes were cut out. like if it ended when the creepy little boy tells her that she wasn’t supposed to help the girl. that would be creepier.
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**All right =) Haven’t seen the ring yet, but I am usually scared of scary movies, so I am not going to watch it hehe.
Aislin, grim - I removed your responses; let’s all be friends
Kirupa **
hey its all good im not here to make enemies but i respect his point of view, like i said before no hard feelings :beam:
Fine. Sorry.
I’m just terribly disturbed by those sorts of tendencies, is all.
Thanks Kirupa, and talk to you soon, Grim.
*Originally posted by Aislin *
**Fine. Sorry.
I’m just terribly disturbed by those sorts of tendencies, is all.
Thanks Kirupa, and talk to you soon, Grim. **
dude its all right, you dont have to apologize for thinking diffrent , were all diffrent and have diffrent opinions, the beauty of it lies in respecting other peoples opinions and still be able to interact with the person even though you both think diffrently.