Hi guys.
I searched on the net for quite awhile now and couldnt find anything that really suited me. I am looking for some illustrator tutorials that are to do with scanning cartoons into the computer and colouring / inking them using illustrator. I really need some tips as PS isnt getting me what i what in style wise. I have a Wacom tablet Illustrator and PS and i would like to get something along the style lines of www.tado.co.uk.
Thankls for the help.
thanks i’ll have to try later with a simple sketch.
Very useful :thumb: hope i didnt waste your time.
Of course not. 
I’ll turn it into a proper tutorial soon as I get a spare moment - add diagrams and stuff. That should help a bit. Then I’ll do one on colouring… :beam:
Try this after you load the window click on the circle with the arrow in it and then go down to the label “Persistent” and check that. Now everytime you load Illustrator it will have that brush library open.
Ah-ha! Well done that man (or woman, whichever). 
Great tut their Kit! Can’t wait for colouring! Thanks!