I’ve had this program for almost a year and have barely touched it. So I decided it’s time I started. This is just playing around with tapered brushes and the pen tool.
It’s soooo different from using Flash to draw… :sure:
I’ve had this program for almost a year and have barely touched it. So I decided it’s time I started. This is just playing around with tapered brushes and the pen tool.
It’s soooo different from using Flash to draw… :sure:
WOAH! That is freakin’ awesome Kit!!! Add some color/shading and that would probably better than your Flash Line Art (if that’s even possible)!
Colour it? <b>Gulp</b> :stunned:
Hehe… :evil:
illustrator and freehand also fireworks kills flash in vector capabilities…awesome work Kit…!!!
THat’s awsome. now just a guy and some animation
if you know what i mean =P
hey TO i have noticed some of your posts lack a bit of taste…but that is just my observation…but nice to see you did not say it sucked
Holy jesus!! Thats awesome!!! :beam: such a unique style too
Another notch for Kit :love:
wow kit! i always thought illustrator was really hard. i tryed it but didnt like it. i donno it was just really different. that is amazing!
That’s gotta be your best peice yet.
Great job, I love it.
wow, thats awsome!!!
you just got to add some color…
Wow, this is insane. Really sweet
thats’ really good kit - very nice. =)
very sexy, if that’s possible for a line art girl…if that’s even a girl?!
ok , I’ll shut up now…:-\
looks awesome… would be cool if she had a face though
do you have a bigger version available? it’s hard to see all the detail in that one, and i want to see all the tapered stuff etc, and also how all the folds look… very cool from what i can see
What tool do you use mainly? freehand or the bezier one?
it’s really cool…
im new here…and wow…that is some nice drawing…i cant even draw like htat on paper…nice!
Thank you very much, everyone.
Someone requested a larger version, so here it is full size…
I think it was the Bezier pen… The one where you draw two points then get the little handles to curve it? I used that. And the Tapered Round brush, at 10 and 5% thickness.
And Unflux, it <i>is</i> a girl. I just suck at drawing faces.
thanks for the full version kit, that’s soo cool
and it’s definitely a girl (if you know what i mean :thumb: )
sounds like the bezier tool to me, and that makes it even more impressive imo, because i think it’s a hard tool to use well, especially with such flowing curves (no pun intended)
did you start from scratch or was there a pencil sketch in there somewhere?
anyway, it’s so cool :A+:
God, I couldn’t do that from scratch! I <i>wish</i>! Pretty much everything I do is from sketches beforehand that are scanned in and traced. Although I’ve got a Wacom at work now, so I can draw straight in.
That pen is a bit awkward though… I was trying to join up two lines in a point, and it kept making the whole thing into a ‘U’ shape instead of a ‘V’. Kept having to make new layers then group it. :sure:
Thanks for the comments though, much appreciated.
That looks absolutely marvelous. Have you used Corel Draw by any chance - cause I was wondering how u find it vs Illustrator…
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