My new site

critical critique please


Amazing work. Easy to navagate. Great work btw.

The only thing i would change is the font choice for the menu or lessen the Anti alias everything else is very clean and professional.

Goo work with soothing colours. I like the feel of the website.Try to anti-alias the fonts. All in all a good job

Ditch the font. The background is great and the font does not show the same “creativity”.
“Menu” and the tracklist just sit there, intergrate them more (w/ complimentary font and color).
Same with the viewer (where you show your projects). The black outline is jaggy, to heavy and does not fit the rest of the site. But I think those are all little things you can handle in no time, 'cause your main structure is there :thumb2:

It takes long to load, but kool. :slight_smile:


some minor flaws but i like it… :thumb:

Thanks everyone, I will take the font issue into account while I’m fine tuning it today. I think the main menu is set to anti-alias for animation, switching it to readablitiy will hopefully remedy that.
I’ve really been on a Futura kick if anyone noticed! :wink:

BOKKE - What takes too long to load, the entire site, or the fact that everything loads seperately?
I have tested this on several machines and it seems to load within a couple of seconds for me. So if there is an issue with that I’d love to hear it. Are you using dial up? I have a DSL connection and my work has cable so I never really tested it for dial-up if that is the case.

anyway, I’d love to hear more critiques so please keep em comin!

i think it looks great :beer:

Changed the aliasing on the fonts, should look alot better now! LMK thanks!

Looks really good! I like the colors, well done! :thumb:

I don’t like the transitions - they don’t fit in at all and they’re very dull.

Why the music? The first track I heard didn’t even fit with the site.

To sum up: everything that looks like it’s done in photoshop is good - everything made in flash is not so good.

looks good… but the top left corner (and the bottom left corner too sometimes) of each of the rounded boxes is about a pixel off and fuzzy

your portfolio is very interesting you do good web design work.
And your site is really nice.
I like the portfolio sections its like functionality is awesome and the site itself is just wow.

Haha, No im not using dail-up! :stuck_out_tongue:
Ive a nice cable connection, but it seems my pc is getting a bit rusty…
Dont know what it is… everything is just going a bit slower.

But appart from that, I somehow dont like the preloading.
When I click illustrations, i get a preloader, folowed by three preloaders…
I understand that you see them only a second, but i think its too flashy in combination with the grudgish layout. (witch is still awsome :D)

But hey, thats yust me! (-: what do i know ?

I like it and I like that it’s easy to navigate. The audio is way to abbrassive imo. Good work over all.

not bad

Firstly, the music doesnt work for the site. Too abbrassive as RevoGiant said.
Secondly, dont you require legal rights to play someone else’s music like that?


Due to popular demand I will be changing my transitions to something (hopefully) a little better! :slight_smile: I agree that they are lacking, esp. the first three that load on the home page. YEESH!

The song tracks are up there because those are some of the songs I listened to as I was designing the site.

And as for rights, unless someone who stumbles across my site wants to be a jerk and report me to the music industry they’re going to stay up. I’m not using the songs to gain a profit off of them, I’m only putting them up because I like them and I plan to rotate songs depending on what I’m listening to at the time. I’m a little fish in a big pond and if they manage to find me and make me take them down more power to them.
If at any time I get a cease and desist order from the music industry, the songs will be taken down and replaced with a crappy loop track that I’ll go find on flashkit. (not that every loop I’ve heard there is crap, just the majority! :wink: )

And again, THANK YOU to everyone who has commented and critiqued the site so far in this thread. You’ve all really helped me with some of the aesthetics. Please, keep the comments coming!