I'm in the mood to write tutorials

I don’t know why I just am… But what kind of tutorials do you think I should write?

The art of coming up with Artifialc Intelligence.
Creating advanced code easier with algorithms.
Basic Math Shortcuts and Functiosn to Help.

What do you guys think? I don’t like creating tutorials with "pictures’ and “images” so I chose these topics.

Tell me what you think :slight_smile:

All of those sound good.

I personally am more interested in these two…

Creating advanced code easier with algorithms.
Basic Math Shortcuts and Functiosn to Help.

‘The art of coming up with Artifialc Intelligence’ sounds interesting to me… Maybe somebody can combine yours and senoculars isometric to create some good game… :cowboy:


sounds great man, go for it. What would be cool is a persons head, in 3d graph form that follows a mouse. That would be neat and also cause me to sneak out of my pen at night to check and see if your done writing it.


Well that doesn’t narrow anything down at all does it guys?

:trout* smacking rounds for all ya :slight_smile:

“but thanks for the firendly info ;)”

do mine then.


:cyclops: :-\ :slight_smile:

Yeha I would… Do you mean AI? hehehe

The AI one is cool. I am not a game programmer so the others were more interesting to me, but I wouldn’t mind studying a bit of AI :slight_smile:

Yay… =)

Let’s see how this thing turns out tomorrow morning when I get up… Nighty night guys… :wink:

I don’t care… Math Functions are like… How to optimize your code by using a sine or cosine table… And how to use powers and like wise with everything else… Making basic math functions that can help your code run faster…

The aI one is self explanotry…

The algorithm one teaches you how to write algorithms for tough coding problems.


hey playa, you should write an A* tutorial…
I’d write one, but I’d have to remember it first… it’s been a while

yawwwwn… That’s one tutorial… hehe… And that tired me out too lol:slight_smile:

lol… keeeeeep goin’ :wink: :beam:

It’s 2:45 am… And I just spit out a 7000 character tutorial in around an hour… What more do you want?!

lmao :slight_smile:

LOL. I was just kidding :slight_smile: That is a good tutorial.

However… you should go over how to integrate that with the character as well. Like when the call the random number for the ape to do something, or how you would set up your functions for example. You gotta remember, although the theme of AI is advanced scripting, there will be super n00bs trying to pull this off but having problems.

Really great so far :slight_smile:

I was aimming this more for advanced as you can tell even though I threw in some newbie type material… I tried… hehe… I can write an addendum on using th code correctly then… Just lemme stretch some more… hehe :slight_smile:

After you are finished with the tutorials this is going into the Best of Kirupa section.

Maybe talk to Kirupa about “rewriting” (just fixing it up) them and adding them to the site as well too.

That would be pretty coo… Didja see my addendum… I hope that’s what you meant by writing an addendum to that…

lmao:slight_smile: Tired now sleep must soon.

::said like Mr. Burns::

Excellent :bad:

Good night… I shall continue writing possible tomorrow night around midnight… Possibly… hehe… :slight_smile:
