Im not scared... only 4 hours left

im not afraid about what might happen tonight. it might sound stupid but there is nothing that i can do to stop what will happen in the future. Does anyone feel like this?:-\

scared about what? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello? war… lol

what war?

dont you people have tv’s?:crazy:

tv? eh?

ehh your impossiable.:smirk:

KILL YOUR TV! :evil:

nope, i support it…well the troops, and i know that they will take care of us. and i have been watching the news and know that we got this guys butt covered

sadam didnt want to leave so now he is going to leave in a caskit, or a urn.

nah, he will leave with my foot up his arse!

wow another “war” thread…who’da thought:sure:

well war isnt something you can put aside. its every where, so why not talk about it.:wink:

so true…

hmm…maybe in one of the other hundred threads that its allready on maybe?

I never said not to talk about it…but it’s getting tiring seeing all these threads that are about the SAME thing, why not just elaborate on them?

hehee tumoro
we are all gone a wake up with a big

in our a.S.s.3.s

100? is there really that many.

and any ways if your tired of looking at them then why are you keep coming back here=) :trout:

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**hehee tumoro
we are all gone a wake up with a big

in our a.S.s.3.s **

thats conforting:crazy: :skull:

hey that sucks, im gonna die first with that dumb GMT time
who was it that posted the 'what would you do in the last 5 hours of the earth. ?