it goes all the way up to march 21st 2006, the clicks never seem to stop.
Wow, we’re really that bad at war? We suck! :lol:
Very cool.
[whisper]Just trying to lighten the mood… sorry. I don’t want to start anything in this thread. It’s very tragic that we even went to war.[/whisper]
nokrev, your reply made me feel a [size=1]little tiny bit[/size] better.
all i’m saying is it makes me really sad.
Anything helps at this point…
I see australia isnt listed as having any casulaties, but we did have one, and frankly thats enough to realise we shouldnt be there. Silly John Howard.
What would be more interesting is to see the number of dots of Iraqis…
Yeah, I’d be very interested to see that. Maybe in Green?
:lol: this place would be very boring without you nokrev…:thumb:
It’s worth it and still an honorable war (*our armies didnt use our RC planes to drop bombs, well not that many).
It would be kinda cool to have someone that lived there in this forum.
:: starts to play Imagine in background ::
I’d like to see one of the United States of people who die naturally… just to put it in perspective
How about one for WW2?
wow alot of us people thats just crazy you turn off the other country and still its like nothing changed.
then you click us like turn it off and its like such little casualties.
no wonder I hate’em so much :td:
hate who?
^who do you hate, let me guess us Americans?
Thread closed A non-spammish thread lasted for about 16 hours. This one is certainly for the record books!