I’m following Voets tutorial but I’m trying to change it a little.
Here’s the problem:
I have a site (movie/whatever) witha a container in it. There are no buttons on this main page. My buttons are in an externally loaded file called “main.swf”. This file loads into the base initially and then the plan is that when a button is clicked, all the buttons slide out again in the closing transition and then the new section, say, Profile, is loaded. The problem is that the buttons are in an external swf. Nothing is working. A little while ago I thought I had it fixed but then I got lost and now it’s worse than before. I’m so confused. Please help.
If anyone wants to help me all the relevant files can be found HERE. The start of the site can be viewed [url=“http://www.paddyduke.co.uk/v2/”]HERE.