[size=2]Hi :
At the moment I am working in my online portfolio. I have been based in the tutorial called [color=#003366]Transitions between External SWFs[/color]by [url=“http://www.voetsjoeba.com/”][color=#800080]Voetsjoeba[/color], and it has been helpful.
Anyway I have a problem and I have thought that perhaps you can help me.
It´s the following one: I am designing my WEB that loads the sections (external SWF) within a container. Well… Until that moment I have sufficient following this tutorial. But I wanted that a button within one of this external SWF called equally to another external SWF since it makes a button in the main movie, and that it loaded the SWF in the same container.
I have tried to modify and to rewrite the script, but I haven´t had luck or don´t know sufficient to obtain it.
Thanks in advance.