Im willing to do voices

hello fellow Kirupians!

Im just curious to see if any of you guys have created a cartoon in flash?
Ive tryied, but i cannot draw or animate that well lol
But i’d like to be a voice in someone’s cartoon if you guys need =) i do lots of cool voices =0

anyway just wondering if anyone needed some free tallent =)


  • Raydred

The Link:

i posted this link below, but put it here for easy access =)

wheres your voice protfolio?? =)

good point =) i’ll have to make one =) lol
Let me post my voices =)

That would be kind-a cool… Who knows… If I ever decide to do a cartoon when I get a lap-top I’ll keep you in mind… Do a couple of voices for us and post them :slight_smile:

playamarz :player:

ok here they are…
1.49 mb of Voice samples

They are in mp3 format, zipped…and high quality =)
Please note they may be stupid, make no sense, but its my voice im trying to show off lol and i did this right now lol =)
Please tell me what ya think,

thanks =)

haha dude that was so great
you do really good voices
If I ever make a cartoon I’d so want you to play one of the old people

haha, i used to do soo many funy voices, now i cant. My voice changed alot since then.

But thoes voices that you can make are really funny!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe awesome, well let anyone else know if they need voices =)

Thanks for the input =)

i need more input though and still wondering if people want to colab’ on a animation proj =)

i can do voices as well

i can do a great gollum voice, all creepy and everything…precioussssssss
i can also do a french and russian accent

when i do russian, i say “i am russian, i am woman” baahhaahhaha, it sounds so great, even though i’m croatian.

lol awesome pinx =) i do an ok gollum as well, in fact my friend thought i was going psycho when i did that voice lol =)

i know i did it right after the movie in front of my friends and they got freaked out.

lol woo hoo! Freaking out friends is cool lol =)
I do a good mob voice too =)

These are awesome Raydred :slight_smile: I love your voice acting (ive heard some before this for those of you who didn’t know that)

omg really. you are cool lost. i love you. good night. haha

pinx: I take it you took my last post in a condescending tone and are replying sarcastically, so to sort things out… my statement was meant to clarify me saying that I love Raydreds voice acting. Considering you can’t really say you love someones work off of a few tiny samples I thought I would state that I have heard previous things he did and such so I would have a stronger basis for stating that I loved his work. Makes sense no?

woah that’s cool! I’ll let ya know if I need any voices for any games I might be making! :wink:

Sweet Psycho!! i’d love to be apart of that =)

apart from doing this Just for fun, im trying to get my voice out there and maybe make a living or something from it lol i want to act lol =) yay! =)

can yu do sounds like <a href=“”>this</a>? :stuck_out_tongue:

Need some cartoon characters for those voices? :beam: