Im just curious to see if any of you guys have created a cartoon in flash?
Ive tryied, but i cannot draw or animate that well lol
But i’d like to be a voice in someone’s cartoon if you guys need =) i do lots of cool voices =0
anyway just wondering if anyone needed some free tallent =)
That would be kind-a cool… Who knows… If I ever decide to do a cartoon when I get a lap-top I’ll keep you in mind… Do a couple of voices for us and post them
They are in mp3 format, zipped…and high quality =)
Please note they may be stupid, make no sense, but its my voice im trying to show off lol and i did this right now lol =)
Please tell me what ya think,
pinx: I take it you took my last post in a condescending tone and are replying sarcastically, so to sort things out… my statement was meant to clarify me saying that I love Raydreds voice acting. Considering you can’t really say you love someones work off of a few tiny samples I thought I would state that I have heard previous things he did and such so I would have a stronger basis for stating that I loved his work. Makes sense no?