Im willing to do voices

if you can do pixel ppl in all 8 sides then yes! I’ve been trying to make a pixelman like the ones @habbohotel for days but I can’t get it right! It needs to be in all 8 sides and one standing and one walking so… 16 pics total! :!:

Eep… :slight_smile: I’m no pixel artist I’m afraid. :slight_smile: Vector I can handle… :stuck_out_tongue:

acutally I don’t care if they are pixel, vector or 3d! Just they should in all 8 sides :stuck_out_tongue:
But I can’t handle pixelppl (not to mention vector) and if there is not other major artist then I guess I’m gonna have to come up with something in 3ds max! :-\ :slight_smile:

I can give it a go. :slight_smile: What have you got so far?

I’ve created <a href=“”>this basic pixelroom</a> but I haven’t accomplished anything for the pixelman …or whatever-man that is! =)

um… actually I think it’s 24 pics per person not 16 cuz
one angle -> standing, walking-left leg up, walking-right-leg up
:!: :!: :!:

Cool room. :slight_smile:

I think I’ve got a little pixel person somewhere, I can take to pieces. But I’m not saying it’ll actually be any good. :slight_smile:

It’s still gonna be better than mine! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**pinx: I take it you took my last post in a condescending tone and are replying sarcastically, so to sort things out… my statement was meant to clarify me saying that I love Raydreds voice acting. Considering you can’t really say you love someones work off of a few tiny samples I thought I would state that I have heard previous things he did and such so I would have a stronger basis for stating that I loved his work. Makes sense no? **

duuuuude, i was giving you s h i t. no reason to get all feisty…chill out.

lol those are great, very professional :beam:

can’t believe its actually the same person :!:

Kit i do need some characters too lol =) I need one to look like me :wink: hehe

anyway, syko, i can definatly do a fishy fishy one lol =)

Thanks for the input. =)

The funny thing is, these arent my best! lol =) i didnt try too hard with these =)

isn’t it hard to record these voices? I mean you gotta be in the right mood to record stuff! I tried recording years ago but when I wasn’t in the mood I could record anything! And usually I’m never in the right mood!

yea but i get into the mindset of characters =)

In fact ive done some acting with my friends, and got into a character, and i was him =) and my friends were kinda freaked out… Its not that i forgot who i was, but i become the chacter and it sounds consistant thru out =) and the hardest part is, i dont have a sound proof booth, or anything, just my apt, so i turn everything off that makes noise, and make sure no one outside is screaming etc… =) so yea it can be difficult =)

no sound proof booth <-- you should get yurself one! Like they have in the radio stations! :slight_smile:

btw you must have a pretty good microphone too eh?

the mic is pretty good. I bought it for 30 bucks lol its a sony. =)

But in a few months im going to buy a 300 mic and stand etc… this mic is sweet because it produces no sound! (which makes it cleaner than it already is lol ) =)

i cant wait =)

Kit i do need some characters too lol I need one to look like me hehe
Well, anything I can do mate, just ask. :slight_smile:

pinx: Feisty? I wasn’t getting feisty, I was clarifying my previous post just in case you and/or others interpreted it as condescending.

raydred: do more! do more! :beam:

Can you do females Raydred? :bad: That’ll be a challenge heh

  • Soul :s:

i Can do some females, but i dont have a high enough voice to really sound really great (but i have softrware that helps me out with that) =) i mostly do an exaggerated female voice lol =) Im pretty good at “Valley Girl” type voices =)

Oooo Raydreds on! runs to PM inbox Wait there :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

hehehehe im popular wow lol jk