Im willing to do voices

Cool voices! :slight_smile:
I know a student that does animationā€¦ heā€™s very good, and I donā€™t know if youā€™ll get paid (students are poor living creatures), but I can always ask himā€¦ if you want.

im not looking for payment =) im happy just to get my voice out and make a portfolio for myself =) hehe Iā€™ll do it for free!! =)

Go ahead and ask him =) just let me know ā€¦ =)

OK. :slight_smile: Heā€™s doing some big project for the moment, so it could take a while, but Iā€™ll ask him. :thumb:

I might have something that needs a voiceā€¦ Itā€™s a cartoon I was doing for a friend. Hmmā€¦ Iā€™ll dig it out. :slight_smile:

Ray - those are some good voices :slight_smile: Pretty funny man!

your old man is just great :slight_smile:
very nice, Iā€™ll keep you in mind =)

woo hoo! cool Seno =)

if anyone needs any free voice tallent for any animations, im willing to do some, check out my samples. I need to build a portfolio of voice work etcā€¦ please contact me at this email:
raydred at (replace the at with @)ā€¦
=) i look forward to your requests. =)


Can you do Duffy duck? ā€¦or was it Daffy duck?
Or ā€¦ the piggy?


oh ad Kit! You messinā€™ wif these vector ppl orā€¦ not? =)
Just askinā€™! just to make things clear for me! =)

Yeah, I will do. :slight_smile:

Food <ā€”lmao! Typo, I meant:

Good then I donā€™t need to get 'em from anywhere else! take your time! :slight_smile:

hey Raydred!

[looks embarrassed] Iā€™ve only just read this thread! [/looks embarrassed]

umā€¦ iā€™m currently making cartoons, this is my first real attempt at a full flash piece, but im hoping to do a seires. No one can get the voices right, so they are just subtitled at the moment.
Do you want to give it a go Raydred?

Dr Zin and Dr Niz <ā€”click this link

cheers buddy!
[COLOR=orange]the orange one[/COLOR]

Orage oneā€¦ Yes!!! Totally! =) iā€™d love to do voices etc, give me the ā€œsubtitlesā€ and the cartoon so i can see what going on, and iā€™ll record for ya and you can sync them into it etc =) Just send me an email to with the link etc!! or post it here and give me your email etcā€¦ =) let me know! im dying to be a voice of something =)

Syko, i havent tried the pigā€¦ but daffy i dont think my daffy is goodā€¦ =T

Nobody can do looney tunes! Itā€™s impossible! Especially the piggy! :slight_smile:

it has been done, but sadly, no one can do them better than Mel Blanc. =)

I canā€™t imagine a perfectly normal guy sitting behind a mic and making that kinda voices! lol Makes me laugh!

You can imagine me cant you? lol jk then again im not normal =)


I should be an annoucer of some sort lol
I could do airportsā€¦
ā€œAttention, Will Dr Herman H. Dinklefoot, please pick up the white curtousy(sp) phoneā€¦ā€