Image effect with brightness at 100%

I’m sure everyone has seen the effect where an image will go white and kind of blink… I see them all the time but I cant find an example right now…

I have my image there… and I duplicated it and made the brightness on the new one 100%…

Anyone know how people animate this to make that cool image effect?

you could just use a motion tween for the white version and decrease the alpha as it goes along.

The effect I am talking about is a fast one…
It is used like when an image comes into place… or leaves…

Also I found out… that you can use the TINT to change the color to any color… so it does not have to be white…

Just need to find out how they animate them…

It is kind of a flash white then a quick fade in…

I will keep working with it…


yeah, i know what you’re talking about. i’ve made the effect many times. you can use motion tweens or AS. i’ve just used motion tweens and applied the effect to the white/tinted version of the mc, which is above the natural version of the mc.